Bus Accident Lawyer

If you’ve recently been injured in a bus crash, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed. Being hurt is overwhelming. Suffering the trauma of a crash is overwhelming. Thankfully, there are numerous medical resources available to assist you with managing these stresses. Similarly, speaking with a lawyer can help you to manage the stress of navigating your legal options. An experienced bus accident lawyer can clarify your rights and options under the law so that you can make informed choices about whether to pursue legal action.

Filing a Lawsuit

As an experienced bus accident lawyer can explain in greater detail, bus accident injury victims are usually in strong positions to file personal injury lawsuits as a result of their harm. The biggest question tends to be “Who should a bus accident injury victim sue?” The answer to this question depends on the unique circumstances surrounding each individual crash.

For example, depending on the novel details of your situation, you may be in a position to sue a bus driver, another motorist, a manufacturer of defective auto or bus parts, a government agency, a bus company, etc. Many bus accident lawsuits name multiple defendants, as buses rarely crash due to a single preventable factor.

Generally speaking, an accident victim can file a lawsuit against any party whose negligent, reckless, or intentionally dangerous conduct directly contributed to the cause(s) of their harm. It can be difficult to identify which party/parties to sue in a lawsuit until an attorney has thoroughly and objectively investigated the circumstances that led to the bus crash in the first place.

Insurance Payouts and Broader Settlement Offers

Bus accident victims are often tempted to simply take whatever compensation amount they’ve been offered by an insurance company, a bus company, or another responsible party. While such offers are often made in good faith, it’s very important not to accept an offer or to sign any paperwork until a lawyer has reviewed the terms of an offer or settlement.

When offers are not made in good faith, their terms can be unreasonable and the related compensation awards can be dramatically undervalued. If you accept compensation or agree to a settlement before it has been properly assessed, you may be left with far less than you deserve and you may end up unintentionally signing away your rights to obtain any additional rightful compensation down the road. Take the time to speak with a lawyer before signing anything or accepting any compensation in the wake of a crash.

Work-Related Accidents

If you were either driving at the time of your crash or you were riding a bus for work-related purposes, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits as a result of your harm. It’s important to understand that the workers’ compensation process is notoriously time-sensitive. So, if your accident was work-related in any way, make sure to speak with an attorney even more urgently than you would if your bus crash had nothing to do with work.

Cohen Injury Law Group offers free consultations to discuss your case, answer your questions, and explain your legal options.