If you’re in debt and have bills you can’t pay, there is one option that will almost certainly ruin your credit.

This one thing is very easy to do but also very dangerous. You might even be doing it right now!

What is this one surefire thing you can do to destroy your credit?


That’s right, it’s doing nothing. If you’re overwhelmed with debt, doing nothing will only make things worse. The creditors will keep calling and might even take from your wages. Your credit score will drop. And the debts will accrue interest, which means they’ll get bigger and bigger until there’s no way you can ever pay them back.

As a Memphis bankruptcy lawyer, I see this all the time. Some people considering bankruptcy are very concerned about their credit; and they assume that after a bankruptcy their credit will be ruined and will take forever to build back up.

This is simply untrue! Bankruptcy will likely affect your credit score, at least for a time. But you CAN rebuild it afterward.

Our bankruptcy firm offers a free program to our bankruptcy clients that helps you rebuild your credit score, even after a bankruptcy! Through this program, you can improve your score to a 720 (an A rating) or higher in as little as one year. Isn’t that so much better than staying where you are right now? As a law office with a liquidation lawyer Memphis, TN turns to, we will let you know what your best options may be to resolve your debt.

So don’t wait around doing nothing and expecting something to change. Contact us today to get out of debt, clear your name with the creditors, and then rebuild your credit score to an A rating. The appointment is free. What do you have to lose?