Applying for Social Security Disability benefits can be a lengthy and complex process. Unfortunately, many deserving applicants receive denials for various reasons. In this blog, we will explore some of the most common reasons why Social Security Disability claims are denied and how a Social Security disability lawyer can assist you in navigating these challenges.

Incomplete Or Insufficient Medical Evidence

One of the primary reasons for Social Security Disability claim denials is incomplete or insufficient medical evidence. The Social Security Administration (SSA) relies heavily on medical records and documentation to assess an applicant’s disability. Your claim may be denied if your medical records do not provide a clear and comprehensive picture of your condition.

A lawyer can help you gather and present the necessary medical evidence to support your disability claim. This includes medical records, doctor’s opinions, test results, and other relevant medical documentation.

Lack Of Proper Medical Treatment

Another common reason for denial is the lack of proper medical treatment. The SSA may question the severity of your disability if it appears you are not actively seeking appropriate medical care. Failure to follow prescribed treatments or medications can raise doubts about your commitment to managing your condition.

Our legal team can guide you on the importance of consistent medical treatment and help you address any concerns or obstacles you may face in accessing medical care.

Failure To Comply With Treatment Plans

In some cases, claimants may comply with medical treatment but fail to follow recommended treatment plans. The SSA evaluates whether you are doing everything reasonably within your control to manage your condition. Your claim may be denied if you are not following prescribed treatment plans, such as physical therapy or rehabilitation.

Our attorneys can assist you in understanding and complying with treatment plans while advocating for your disability claim.

Lack Of Sufficient Work History

Social Security Disability benefits are typically available to individuals with a sufficient work history and paid into the Social Security system. Your claim may be denied if you do not meet the required work credits. Additionally, if you apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) based on financial need, the SSA will assess your income and assets to determine eligibility.

Our legal team can help you understand the work history and financial requirements for disability benefits and assist you in pursuing the appropriate type of disability claim.

Engaging In Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA)

To qualify for disability benefits, you must be unable to engage in Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) due to your disability. SGA refers to earning a certain amount of income, which the SSA regularly adjusts. If the SSA believes you are capable of earning SGA, your claim may be denied.

Our attorneys can assess your unique circumstances and help you understand how to avoid engaging in SGA while pursuing your disability claim.

Failure To Comply With Deadlines And Requirements

The SSA has strict deadlines and requirements for filing a disability claim and appealing denials. Failing to meet these deadlines or provide necessary documentation can result in claim denials. Understanding and adhering to these requirements throughout the application and appeals process is essential.

Our legal team is well-versed in the SSA’s rules and deadlines and can ensure your claim is properly filed and pursued within the necessary timelines.

Thanks to our friends from Ted A. Greve & Associates for their insight into Social Security Disability benefit cases.