truck accident lawyer

A truck accident is often one of the most devastating types of vehicle accidents because of their large scale impact and severity. Victims of truck accidents tend to suffer catastrophic injuries. If you have been injured because of a driver who was acting negligently, a truck accident lawyer has the resources and experience to help you file your claim. They can put together a comprehensive list of the types of damages that you can claim so that you can obtain compensation. 

Economic Damages

Economic damages are any losses that can be assigned a verifiable monetary value. This covers a wide range of damages, such as present and future medical bills, vehicle repairs or replacement cost, and lost wages or reduced earning capacity. 

Medical expenses after a truck accident are usually high since the size and scale of truck accidents usually result in traumatic injuries. Victims may need ongoing treatment, medication, or rehabilitative therapy to treat their injuries. They may be so severely injured that their job responsibilities must be limited or modified, resulting in reduced income. Any permanent disability that affects your quality of life is also included under economic damages. 

Non-Economic Damages

In contrast to economic damages, non-economic damages do not have an objectively verifiable value because they differ from person to person. Examples of non-economic damages include general pain and suffering, loss of life enjoyment, emotional anguish, and worsening of existing injuries. Accident victims often experience months of years of psychological and emotional hardship during their recovery.

Punitive Damages

In rare and special cases, a lawyer may be able to seek punitive damages. These types of damages are considered if the defendant is found to have engaged in misconduct beyond the scope of negligence, such as recklessness. For example, if a truck driver was driving under the influence, punitive damages can be awarded on top of economic and non-economic damages but do not result in compensation.

Why should I have a lawyer calculate my damages? 


When you are calculating what damages you may be entitled to, seeking help from a lawyer is recommended so that you have the most accurate list. There may be damages you are not aware of which you may be able to claim. 

Discuss your case with a truck accident lawyer if you have suffered an injury due to an accident caused through no fault of your own.