Dog Attacks
For most people, the natural reaction they have to a large dog compared to a small dog can be quite different. When they see a large dog they don’t know, they often assume the dog could be a danger and could bite them. Many people look at small dogs, even ones they don’t know, and assume that because it is so tiny and cute, they must be sweet and cuddly, like a puppy, and do not think twice about being bitten.
The reality is, however, that any size dog can bite or attack and cause serious injuries to the victim. It does not matter the size or the breed. While the bite from a large dog is often more severe because of the size, bites from small dogs can be just as damaging and tend to bite more frequently than large dogs.
Any Dog Can Bite
There are some dog breeds that have more of a tendency to bite, while others do not. For example, Labrador and golden retrievers are not known to be biters, while miniature poodles and chihuahuas have reputations for being aggressive breeds when it comes to dog bite statistics.
Regardless of the breed, it is important to know that even that cute golden retriever or any other dog can bite under certain circumstances. If a dog feels stressed or threatened, even the most docile dog can react and bite. There have also been studies conducted that found that aggression in dogs can be impacted by the area they live in, their environment, and whether they are the only dog in the home or live with other dogs.
One significant factor is what type of experience the dog’s owner has handling dogs. If an owner has no experience, has no control over the dog, and fails to train the dog or seek out professional training, the risk of that dog biting or attacking someone is high.
Unfortunately, young children are most often dog bite victims because they often do not know how to act with the dog and that can cause the dog to feel threatened.
Dog Bite Injuries
Any dog bite proposes the chance of being serious because of the high risk of infection. This is because dogs carry all kinds of bacteria in their mouth and when they bite, all of that bacteria can enter the victim’s blood through the wound. These infections include:
- Tetanus – While you may think of tetanus as something you get from a cut caused by an item with rust, you can also get it from dog bites.
- Pasteurella – This bacteria will cause the area around the bite to become red and swollen. If the victim is already dealing with health issues, Pasteurella can also cause swollen glands and joints.
- Staphylococcus – Many staph infections are anti-biotic resistant, leading to serious lung, skin, and other types of infections, all caused by the dog bite.
- Capnocytophaga – Although rare, it is still possible to get this type of infection from dog bites. Capnocytophaga can cause headaches, fever, vomiting, redness, swelling, and blisters around the bite area.
- Rabies – Every municipality requires all dogs to be vaccinated for rabies, however, that does not mean every dog owner complies. Rabies affects the brain and is usually fatal if not treated quickly.
If a dog has injured you, contact a dog bite lawyer to see what legal recourse you may have against the owner.
Thanks to our friends at Wandres Law, P.C. for their insight into dog bite injuries.