Are you struggling with bills you can’t pay and falling behind? Well then, you may be at risk of a wage garnishment.
Any unsecured debts are subject to wage garnishment. And by unsecured debt, I mean debt that’s not backed by collateral.
Need to stop wage garnishment immediately? We offer ZERO DOWN TO FILE! Call 901-327-2100 to see if you qualify.
You see, when you have a mortgage or car payment, there’s property the bank can take back from you — your house or car respectively — if you don’t make your payments. That’s “secured” debt.
There’s no such property with unsecured debt, which is why the creditor resorts to wage garnishment.
The most common examples of unsecured debt collected through wage garnishment is credit card and medical bills. But there are other examples too. I talk about this subject in the video below.
What Bankruptcy Can Do For You
Wage garnishments are perfectly legal and moral. You’re not paying your bills and the creditor wants the money.
The problem is, you’d pay the creditor if you could. But you can’t. And wage garnishment is a pain. Once you add in interest and various fees, you end up paying a lot more money than you originally owed.
Plus, up to 25% of your wages can be garnished. How are you supposed to make ends meet when a quarter of your paycheck is cut each payday?
The good news is, there’s relief. By filing for bankruptcy, you can stop that wage garnishment and discharge the debt you can’t pay. You can learn more about that here.
The decision to file for bankruptcy may be difficult, but with an experienced attorney, the process is easy. And the benefits are valuable.
Want a Free Bankruptcy Consultation?
If you’re struggling with bills you can’t pay, then our free bankruptcy consultation is perfect for you.
For decades, our team of attorneys has helped people in Memphis and the Mid-South get out of debt and onto a better life. And we want to help you too! Our attorneys are detailed, informative and genuinely care about you. Our clients will tell you that too.
Call (901) 327-2100 today to schedule your appointment. Or you can contact us online.