Do you have delayed pain after a motorcycle accident?
By: Darrell Castle
If you’re in a motorcycle accident but don’t immediately experience pain, or even after a day, you might feel pretty lucky. However, that doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods yet.
Many times, up to a week or so after the accident, you may begin to feel some pain. Often, this delayed pain reveals itself in a back injury. It’s at this point you need to seek medical treatment, because these small injuries can turn into nagging long-term injuries if not properly treated.
You also need to speak to an attorney – it’s not too late. Even if you told the police officer at the scene of the accident that you weren’t hurt, it’s not a deal breaker. However, an ideal answer to a police officer questioning whether you were injured or not would be,” I don’t think so. Right now I feel fine.”
Nonetheless, this type of injury is just simply something that must be explained, and it can be. Everyone’s familiar with delayed onset injuries, pain and so forth, so just talk to your attorney about it.
You’ll want to speak to an attorney who has experience in auto accidents. You need an attorney you can get to know and trust; one who’ll walk and talk you through the process detail by detail.
My firm has received multiple Client Distinction Awards from Martindale-Hubbel for client satisfaction, so I promise you’re in good hands at Darrell Castle & Associates.
There are also other things you need to know about auto accidents, specifically the things you need to do at the scene if you’re involved in one. It’s so important to gather all of the information and make all the right moves, so I developed a checklist that you can download here, print and keep in your car.
If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, or any other kind of auto accident, and it wasn’t your fault or you’re not sure whose fault it was, give me a call at (901) 327-1212 to schedule a FREE consultation with one of our experienced car accident attorneys.