The Difference Between Workers’ Compensation and Disability
If you sustain an injury that disables you from performing normal duties at your job, you have a few options. Two of the most common include workers’ comp and disability (or SSDI). But what is the difference between workers’ compensation and disability benefits, and which should you choose?
Some programs designed to assist injured workers include:
- state disability benefits
- worker’s compensation, and
- Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
You may be confused about which applies for your particular situation. The info below discusses the differences between them.
Workers Compensation vs. Disability Benefits
Most employers are required to provide worker’s compensation benefits to cover injuries employees might sustain on the job. They offer these benefits regardless of who was technically responsible for your on-the-job injury. Worker’s compensation provides for your losses due to the injury and serves an an alternative to a lawsuit.
Worker’s compensation comes from an employer’s policy and covers an injury that occurs at work. On the other hand, disability benefits provide weekly benefits to someone unable to work long-term due to an injury or disability.
That is the main difference: workers’ comp covers injuries on the job. Disability benefits cover non-work related injuries or injuries that keep you from working long-term.
The government may also offer disability benefits if an employer’s insurance company disputes a worker’s compensation claim. In that situation, you would receive those benefits until the insurance company compensates you.
Can I Receive Both SSDI and Worker’s Compensation Benefits Simultaneously?
In some special circumstances, you may be able to receive SSDI and worker’s compensation benefits. For example, let’s say you suffer from a chronic illness but can still work part-time in a limited capacity. And then let’s say you get injured at that part-time job. In that situation, you may be able to receive both types of compensation.
However, your SSDI benefits may decrease if you receive money through workers’ comp.
Can I Receive Unemployment and Worker’s Compensation at the Same Time?
Usually you can’t receive both unemployment and workers’ comp if you suffer from a temporary disability. Workers’ comp typically covers your lost wages.
However, if your doctor decides you should stay home from work long-term, your employer may find a replacement for you. In that situation, you could apply for unemployment.
Should I Hire a Lawyer?
If you’ve been injured on the job, you should absolutely speak with a workers’ comp attorney local to your area. State laws differ, so look for someone who understands the system where you are.
Our Memphis attorneys know this system inside and out. For decades, we’ve helped our clients get the compensation they need and deserve.
What’s more, we also handle SSDI! That’s not true for every firm, and it means we can help you determine exactly which option best suits you.
All of that, and we don’t get paid a thing unless you do. The conversation is absolutely free, so contact us today to get started. Call 901-327-2100 or fill out the form below.
After your injury or illness, it can be difficult to go through the workers’ comp process and apply for benefits. Consider a consultation with a work injury lawyer such as this Workers Compensation Attorneys Queens NY locals trust to discuss which benefits will best suit your injury. Discuss the particulars of your injuries and how much compensation you should receive should you pursue a personal injury claim.
Thanks to authors at Polsky, Shouldice, & Rosen P.C. for their insight into Workers Compensation.