April 15th — everyone’s favorite day of the year — will be here in no time. Come Tax Day, many of us will find ourselves owing the government. Others may be struggling with back taxes they owe from previous years (and if that’s you, give me a call; as a tax lawyer Memphis TN trusts, I can work with you to find a solution, whether it’s clearing that debt altogether or restructuring it into affordable payments).

And others still will find themselves in the enviable position of actually getting money back from the government. If that’s you, I’d also love to hear from you. Because if you’re struggling with debt, there is truly no greater use of that tax refund than stepping on the path towards financial freedom.

As a well respected bankruptcy law firm Memphis, TN counts on, we can help guide you through your financial difficulties.

Here are three reasons you should use your tax refund to file for bankruptcy.

1. Live a more stress-free — and possibly even a longer — life.

How can you feel at peace or get a good night’s sleep when the unpaid bills are piling on your desk? Or when you’re afraid the repo man will come take your car in the middle of the night? The correlation between debt and stress is well documented. In recent studies, researchers have even found that those struggling with debt and loans are more than twice as likely to have mental health issues.

2. Stop those calls from creditors in their tracks.

Unfortunately for anyone dealing with debt, creditors are empowered by law to call you and harass you. The good news is that there’s a very simple solution to this problem. You have that solution in bankruptcy. Once you file a bankruptcy, the law prevents creditors from contacting you to collect debts. Even better, actions that have already been taken against you will stop.

3. Get a fresh start.

Look, folks, bankruptcy is only the beginning. Life after it is about rebuilding. It isn’t always easy, but without bankruptcy, so many dreams — the house you’ve always hoped to own, or your child’s college education — remain impossible. Throughout my 40-year career as a tax lawyer Memphis TN trusts, I’ve met many determined people who used their bankruptcy to create an incredible new life. I’ve watched bankruptcy save homes and repair relationships.

And if you have a tax refund this year, these benefits of bankruptcy could be yours very soon.

Talk to a tax lawyer Memphis TN trusts today

Our attorneys are here for you this tax season.

If you’re ready to take control of your tax debt, call (901) 327-2100 to speak with the tax lawyer Memphis TN trusts or contact us here. We’ll look at your situation and discuss your goals — no strings attached.

If you know you’re getting a refund and are ready to explore a life free from debt, call us at (901) 327-2100 to set up a free consultation.