Improving your credit score after a bankruptcy
You’ve completed your bankruptcy. Your debt that was overwhelming you is gone, you have control of your life again and you’ve created a fresh start to a better financial future.
Now what?
It’s time to re-establish and rebuild your credit!
Despite what some attorneys may tell you, a bankruptcy cannot legally be removed from your credit report. However, with the bankruptcy on your report, you can still rebuild your credit to a good score. It’s going to take some work, though.
Anything worth value is going to take work, and your credit is no different. A bankruptcy is a fresh start, but what are you going to do with that start? This is your chance to make serious lifestyle changes for the better. This is your opportunity to finally start that budget you’ve been talking about for years, pay your bills on time, spend wisely and save money.
There are great resources that can help you with this rebuilding process.
We offer a 14-week program, “7 Steps to 720” that teaches you:
- how to rebuild your credit the right way
- why most credit scores are wrong
- which credit cards actually hurt your credit score
- how to stop lenders that report the wrong information
- how to re-establish your credit after a bankruptcy, foreclosure or short sale
This program is offered for free to our clients at Darrell Castle & Associates.
I also would like to recommend a piece of literature that our office has read together.
“You’re Broke Because You Want to Be” is a New York Times Best Seller. Larry Winget, “The Pittbull of Personal Development” wrote this book to help his readers stop just getting by, and instead, get ahead.
With the common theme “if you didn’t want to be broke, you wouldn’t be broke,” this book serves as a needed kick-in-the-butt to take control of your life and change habits that are destroying your finances.
If you’re overwhelmed with debt you can’t pay, there’s a way out. A bankruptcy really can be a way to either discharge or pay off your debts in an affordable payment plan and offer a fresh start to your financial future. But you still have to put forth the work to make that happen.
Let us help. We want to see you succeed.
If you’re considering bankruptcy or have any questions, please contact us today, either by filling out the “Get in Touch” form below or by calling us at (901) 327-1212.; One of our experienced Memphis bankruptcy lawyers will be ready to speak with you about your situation, free of charge.