Here’s a quick refresher on how the wage garnishment process works:

You fall behind on unsecured debt like credit card or medical bills. Because they’re unsecured — meaning there’s no property involved — the creditor can’t repossess anything as collateral for the debt. But the creditor CAN garnish your wages.

With our firm, you can stop wage garnishment with NO MONEY DOWN!
File now and pay later through a repayment plan. Call 901-327-2100 to see if you qualify.

After harassing you for months to pay your bill, the debt collector may just decide to give up and write the debt off. But most likely he’s going to file a lawsuit against you for that debt.

Long story short, the lawsuit is heard by a judge, who hands down a judgement requiring your employer to garnish a portion of your wages.

But what if you’re sued for TWO different debts?

How Wage Garnishment Works With Two Debts

Let’s say you’re behind on both your Capital One and hospital bill. You’ve been harassed for months by bill collectors and they’ve decided to garnish your wages.

Here in Tennessee, employers can garnish up to 25% of your paycheck. So, how would that be divided among the two creditors?

Well, typically, the creditors would fight over who gets priority, and one will have to wait in line.

For example, let’s say Capital One gets priority. That means 25% of your wages would be garnished each paycheck and paid to Capital One until your debt is completely paid off.

In the meantime, the hospital is waiting until Capital One receives all of its debt. Once they do, 25% of your paycheck is garnished and paid to the hospital until your debt is completely paid off there.

How To Stop a Wage Garnishment

Above, I told you that your wages will be garnished until your debt is completely paid. Well, that could take a LONG time. When your wages are being garnished, you’re not ONLY paying your original debt, but you’re also paying various fees and interest rates. It’s messy.

But you can avoid all of this by filing for bankruptcy.

By filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you can discharge your unsecured debt in a relatively short amount of time without paying anything towards that debt.

Want a FREE Bankruptcy Consultation?

If you’re wages are being garnished — or are about to be — we’d love to talk to you and see what we can do to help you.

Our bankruptcy attorneys are informative, detailed and really care. We want to help you get out of debt and onto a better life. Click here to read what our clients have said about working with us.

Call (901) 327-2100 today for a free appointment. Or you can contact us online.