Was it malpractice?
This is one of the most common questions our Memphis personal injury lawyers hear. Every day, hospitals and doctors make mistakes; and every day, people want answers.
There’s a lot that goes into a medical malpractice case. We know how seriously it can affect doctors, so we make sure to investigate every case very carefully before we pursue it.
In general, we’re looking to see:
- Was a mistake made?
- Were you hurt by that mistake?
- Was the mistake outside the normal standard of care (the generally accepted method of treatment)?
- Can we prove your injury was caused by the mistake?
Each case will vary. For example, the standard of care for a healthy teenager might be very different than the standard for a 60-year-old with cancer.
In fact, the best possible way to know whether you might have a medical malpractice case is to speak with an attorney.
It won’t cost you a thing to get in touch with our Memphis medical malpractice lawyers. You’ll learn more about your options, and we don’t even get paid unless you do.
So if you’re wondering, “Was it malpractice?,” contact us today. You can reach us by filling out a form on this page, or call 901-327-1212.