Helping TN’s Children Through the Opioid Crisis

As many of us do, as a new year looms ahead of us, I find myself reflecting on what matters most: helping TN’s vulnerable children. I am proud to lead Darrell Castle and Associates, PLLC, the law firm Tennessee has trusted for over thirty years. I am proud of the clients and families that have turned to us in their times of greatest need, and I am proud of our winning track record of helping those families. And this New Year in particular, I find myself thinking of those who need us the most.

You may have read articles I’ve written about children suffering from the opioid crisis, and how hard our team of lawyers is fighting for infants born with neonatal abstinence syndrome. But, something you may not know is that my passion for helping vulnerable children extends beyond our great state of Tennessee.

In 1998, my wife and I founded a non-profit foundation called Mia’s Children that helps underprivileged children in Romania receive food, education, healthcare and a knowledge of God’s love for them. I’m sharing this with you today because I believe the lessons we have learned from our time working with these Romanian children can be directly applied to our work helping the children of the opioid epidemic.


Children on two very different continents have much in common.

Surprisingly, the Romanian orphans we’ve helped through the Mia’s Children Foundation and the infants affected by the opioid crisis share many common struggles. Most notably, both are innocent in the sense that they did nothing to inflict upon themselves the suffering that they face.

Obviously, the babies who are born addicted to opioids cannot decide for their mothers whether or not to take drugs while pregnant, just as the children of Bucharest can’t decide whether or not to be abandoned to make their own way in the sewers and garbage dumps of Bucharest.

The sad truth is, if no one helps these children, they will have very short and very difficult lives. Here in America, we have what some call “the system” where many of these kids end up. It’s lacking in many ways because it depends on the attitude, work ethic, and honor of the people involved in protecting children. These are the most helpless and vulnerable among us, but they can be helped with the right care.

In Romanian society they have no such system. If it were not for Mia’s Children, these children
that we have taken in would still be in the sewers or dead. But we believe they deserve an opportunity to thrive, just as NAS babies deserve a chance for as normal a life as possible.

Success is possible.

Helping TN’s vulnerable children is not just a pipe dream. We have already proven that with love, food, clothing, and education, even the poorest and most neglected children can grow to be productive members of society. I could fill a long article with success stories from our 21 years of rescuing children. And this is exactly the result we’re fighting for with the children of Tennessee’s opioid epidemic. Our lawsuits against the drug manufacturers responsible for fueling this health crisis is to rescue children from the misery that has been inflicted on them. These children are helpless, so someone who cares must speak for them.

That’s where we come in. And it’s where good people like you can step in, too. It’s never too late to start helping TN’s vulnerable children.

Good people like you must care enough to call.

Together, our efforts can make an enormous difference in the lives of the children of Tennessee. We have already seen tremendous results with the children we care for in Romania. And we know we can see that same success here in the United States. But, it takes people like you who care enough to call.

We are currently offering free legal consultations for families caring for children with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.

If your child, or a child you know, had NAS, we would like to hear from you right away. Contact us or call 901-327-1212 to hear about our plan to get you the financial compensation you deserve. Your child should have a chance at a normal life, and this is the first step to getting that. Remember, the call is absolutely free, and we make nothing unless we win your case.

I hope this article has conveyed some of the passion my wife and I have for helping TN’s vulnerable children, and children who need it most. All of us at Darrell Castle & Associates, PLLC send wishes to you and your family for a prosperous and happy New Year. We’re looking forward to helping even more children in 2019.