Medical Evidence Makes All the Difference in Applying for Disability

Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can be a complex and daunting process, especially when it comes to gathering the required medical information. If you’re in the process of applying for SSDI, you may be wondering, “How do I gather medical evidence for my SSDI claim?”

When applying for SSDI, the SSA needs to know you have a disability and that it impacts your ability to earn an income – and it’s your job to prove it. Medical documentation plays a crucial role in showing the severity and impact of your health condition.

Below, we’ll explore some essential tips on how to gather the necessary medical evidence for your SSDI claim so you have the best chance of approval.

Establish a Relationship with Healthcare Providers

For your own health and for your eventual claim, you’ll want to build a strong relationship with your healthcare providers.

Make sure to communicate openly with your doctors about your symptoms, limitations, and how your condition affects your daily life. This will help them document your disability accurately in your medical records.

Attend Regular Medical Appointments

Consistently attend your medical appointments. This will give you up-to-date medical records and show the way your condition has changed and impacted you over time.

Be sure to follow your doctor’s recommended treatment plan and attend all scheduled appointments. Missing appointments or gaps in medical treatment could raise questions about the severity of your condition.

Document Your Symptoms and Limitations

Keep a detailed journal or diary documenting your symptoms, pain levels, and any limitations you experience due to your disability. This information can provide valuable insight into the daily challenges you face and can complement the medical evidence provided by your healthcare providers.

Be specific and detailed when describing your symptoms, including when they occur, how long they last, and how they affect your ability to perform daily activities and work-related tasks.

Request Copies of Your Medical Records

Request copies of your medical records from all the healthcare providers who’ve been involved in your treatment, including:

  • Doctors
  • Specialists
  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Rehab facilities
  • and any other providers.

Review your medical records to ensure you have all the relevant information. Make note of any discrepancies, inaccuracies, or missing information. Then notify your healthcare provider of any concerns or other information you might need.

If you can stay organized and keep a file of your medical records for easy reference, it will make the initial application much easier.

Obtain Supporting Documentation

In addition to medical records, gather any supporting documentation that can help strengthen your SSDI claim. This may include:

  • Diagnostic test results
  • Imaging scans
  • Medication lists
  • Treatment summaries, and
  • Letters from healthcare providers describing your condition and its impact on your ability to work.

Be proactive to get this documentation. Your doctors may not provide it to you unless you call and ask, often more than once. But these documents back up your claim and are too important to leave out.

Work with a Memphis SSDI Lawyer, Especially on Appeal

This may seem like a lot – and for many people, it is. Even someone not struggling with a disability would probably find these tasks daunting. If all of the above is too difficult, or if the SSA already denied your claim, you should speak with an attorney.

After a denial, you have exactly 60 days to appeal. That’s where we come in.

Our Memphis SSDI attorneys can help you find any holes in your initial application. We strengthen your claim, gather more documentation as needed, and represent you in the appeal.

What’s more, we don’t get paid anything unless and until we win your case for you. And even then, it’s only a fraction of your past-due benefits. You keep all of your future benefits moving forward.

If you need to appeal, don’t wait to get started. Remember, you only have 60 days. Just give us a call at 901-327-2100 or contact us online using our easy form.