If You’re Denied Social Security Disability Benefits

If you’ve been denied Social Security Disability benefits, you may be feeling pretty frustrated. But remember, up to 70% of initial claims are denied, so you shouldn’t be discouraged. Here’s how to appeal your Social Security Disability claim and get the benefits you need.

Why Your Claim Might Have Been Denied

Your disability application could’ve been denied for many reasons, especially if you filled it out yourself.

Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Lack of medical records
  • Missing documents
  • Failure to follow your doctor’s treatment plan (or failure to prove you did)
  • And many other details that go wrong all the time

At this stage, keep in mind the SSA denies the vast majority of claims. You may have done absolutely nothing wrong. And what’s more, it doesn’t speak to whether or not you need and deserve these benefits.


How We Help Appeal Your Social Security Disability Denial

After you get the denial letter, you have 60 days to appeal the decision. So it’s important to move quickly.

You need an attorney for the appeals process. You probably don’t know why your application was denied. An experienced Social Security Disability attorney will help you figure out what went wrong and help you strengthen the application. Then, they fight for you through the appeals process, which can get pretty complicated.

Fortunately for you, we don’t make a dollar unless you win, and even then, it’s only a small fraction of your past-due benefits. This is set by law, so you don’t have to worry.  You don’t lose a penny from any future payments moving forward.

As a long term disability lawyer Memphis, TN has relied on for decades, I know the SSDI appeals process inside and out.

Our firm is dedicated to your success, and we even created a free guide to the disability appeals process to help you understand how it all works.

For decades, Darrell Castle & Associates has helped people who are medically unable to work receive the disability benefits they need. We’d like to help you too.

Remember, you only have 60 days to appeal your Social Security Disability denial. Call (901) 327-1212 today to schedule your appointment at no charge. Or you can fill out the contact form below to have someone from our office contact you.

We look forward to speaking with you.

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