Tennessee has a new jobs database: the JOBS4TN Online search engine went live Monday May 14, according to the The Commercial Appeal.
JOBS4TN Online works like a regular job search engine, with a focus on the state of TN. You can search for employment opportunities based on keyword and location or browse featured listings.
The listings improve on TN’s previous search engine by including listings from local papers, government websites, and private job boards. Employers can also create individual listings directly on the site. As a result, listings on the site increased almost 3x from 30,000 to 85,000 with the new overhaul.
In addition, JOBS4TN Online includes resources and services for job seekers like career center locations, occupation and industry data, educational opportunities, and more.
If you’re struggling to find a job, this new database might help. In the meantime, if you are in over your head financially and need to talk with an attorney in the Memphis area about your options, let us know. As a law office with a liquidation lawyer Memphis, TN turns to, we will let you know what your best options may be to resolve your debt. We can help.