What We Can Learn from a Recent Social Security Disability Case

A few years back, we helped a client who we’ll call Janet appeal a disability claim. Her Social Security Disability case shows why it’s important to have a seasoned attorney on your side who’s willing go the extra mile.

The Initial SSDI Application

Many people applying for disability are tempted to go through the process on their own, but unfortunately the Social Security Administration rejects the vast majority of these applications for one reason or another.

Janet originally filed for disability by herself in December due to debilitating headaches, fibromyalgia, and mental health issues related to the pain of inflammatory polyarthritis.

She alleged the disability began in early November of the same year. Eight months later, the SSA denied her appeal. They determined she could still work, which just wasn’t true.

She filed a request for reconsideration, and they denied that, too. While frustrating, it happens often. That’s when she decided to call an experienced Social Security disability lawyer.

The Appeals Process

When Janet came to us, we helped her file an appeal. They held a hearing and denied her claim yet again. Cases are often rightfully abandoned at that level, but the judge’s ruling was wrong in this instance.

We continued to fight on our client’s behalf. Our attorneys filed an appeal with the Appeals Council and alleged the judge had abused his discretion in five different areas. The Council ruled in our favor on all of them and ordered the appeal back to the same judge for rehearing.

This time around, the judge granted disability status starting around the time of that appeal. Unfortunately, at this point many months had passed, and our client deserved back pay. 

After we pushed back, he said he could grant it from November (when her disability began) if we submitted additional information, including more medical records.

On our end, we didn’t receive an additional fee to attend the final hearing, because we’d reached our maximum fee. However, we attended the hearing anyway, so our client could get an extra two years of lump sum.

It was worth it: we won, and the additional payment has offered Janet much-needed security.

The Takeaway

Filing for disability on your own may seem like the simpler, cheaper option in the short term, but it usually doesn’t pay off in the long-term.

Many SSDI applications are denied because of insufficient medical records, incomplete personal information, lack of doctor testimony, and other reasons. A qualified Social Security lawyer who knows the process inside and out gives you a much higher chance for success, which means you’ll get your benefits sooner.

And as Janet’s experience goes to show, make sure you work with a dedicated lawyer who will go above and beyond. We continued to work with her even after we reached the maximum fee. Find an attorney with that level of dedication. 

Get Help Appealing Your Social Security Disability Case

The attorney you choose matters. You need someone committed wholeheartedly to your success. That’s what we do at Darrell Castle & Associates.

If you have a Memphis Social Security Disability case and need to appeal your claim, we can help. Our experienced attorneys will fight for you and the benefits you need, just like we did for Janet.

Contact us today to get started with a free conversation.