It’s fall in Memphis, which means the leaves are changing, Halloween decorations are everywhere you turn, and Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before you know it. As a Memphis debt lawyer I know that for many folks in significant debt, the holidays can be an especially difficult time. Thankfully, there’s a way to relieve yourself of debt before the holiday season and enjoy the festivities without the financial worry.
Bankruptcy can give you that freedom and peace of mind.
Many people who are faced with insurmountable debt are unsure if they should file for bankruptcy before or after the holidays. If you are considering filing, here are three reasons why filing before the holidays might be the best option for you.
1. Stop embarrassing collector calls
The last thing you want while entertaining family and friends is for collectors to be constantly calling you. Not only can this situation feel embarrassing, but it can also be depressing. The holidays are hard enough without nonstop collector harassment.
Immediately upon filing for bankruptcy, these calls are legally ordered to stop, giving you much needed breathing room to enjoy the holidays without your phone ringing off the hook.
2. Avoid accumulating more debt
If you are in debt, the last thing you need is to accumulate more debt. But if you’re struggling financially, the holidays can put serious pressure on you to pay for things with your credit card. With Thanksgiving dinner ingredients, travel expenses, and Christmas gifts, you can push your credit past the point of no return before you know it.
Filing for bankruptcy now can help you avoid this holiday debt trap.
3. Start the New Year with a clean financial slate
Imagine how good it will feel to start the new year debt free. No more collector calls, no more sleepless nights worrying about unpaid bills, and no more constant financial stress. The sooner you get the ball rolling, the sooner you can start rebuilding your credit and walk into the new year with the fresh financial start you deserve.
Our Memphis debt lawyers can help. Book a consultation today for FREE.
Whether or not you are considering filing for bankruptcy before or after the holidays, you have options. Speak with an experienced Memphis debt lawyer to find the best choice for you and your family. The consultation is absolutely free.
Contact us online or give us a call at (901) 327-2100 to hear how we can not only help you get out of debt, but help you rebuild your credit for a successful financial future.