Injured in a Memphis Dog Attack
Memphis has a history of dog attacks that goes beyond the rare accident. In fact, we’re notoriously an unsafe city for post office workers, children, and pedestrians. If you’ve been injured in a Memphis dog attack, you’re not alone.
The Causes of Dog Attacks in Memphis
Recently, Memphis ranked 23rd in the list of most dog attacks on postal workers, out of a list of every city in the nation. And as a Memphis dog attack lawyer, I can attest that we have a real and ongoing problem.
These problems begin in the way we treat our dogs. Abused dogs abuse, and animal cruelty problems in the city explain in part why we have so many attacks. In one recent example that made national news, a Memphis man set a dog on fire. Many more cases over the last year are equally horrible.
Any physical aggression against a dog will teach it to be more defensive, and thus more dangerous. But even “lighter” forms of abuse like tight quarters, underfeeding, and angry environments can affect a dog’s mental state.
And the results can be devastating. As another school year gears up, it’s important to remember children are the most common victims of dog attacks nationwide. It’s also a life and death situation for postal workers and the delivery drivers who’ve made life safer for so many of us during the pandemic.
Last but not least, this behavior hurts the dogs, who weren’t born ready to attack, but instead were trained into it.
What You Can Do to Stop Dog Attack Injuries
At the time of this publication, Memphis animal services and animal cruelty officers work through the Memphis police. You can report animal cruelty by calling 901-545-COPS, the police non-emergency line.
If you’re injured in a Memphis dog attack, you need to speak with an attorney to understand your rights. You may be entitled to compensation, and a good lawyer will be able to explain all your options.
We’ve helped Memphians injured in a Memphis dog attack get justice, including the money to cover their extensive medical bills and damages for trauma. And we don’t get paid unless we win.
To get started, contact us today at 901-327-2100. You can also fill out the form below to have us reach out to you. The conversation is completely free.