By: Darrell Castle

For many people who file for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, or are considering doing so, they fear their ability (or inability) to rent a home or apartment again.

Are you able to rent after a Chapter 13 bankruptcy?  Well, sure.


(Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a very powerful tool. Find out about ALL of its benefits by downloading my FREE report, The Power of a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.)


Once a case is finished, there’s no financial hold on you, legally.  You can rent or buy anything you can afford and that someone will sell to you, including a house or an apartment.

A creditor — such as a leasing company — may see you’ve filed for a bankruptcy and deny you, but you can attempt to rent from another creditor right down the street.  Going through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and completing it can actually show a form of financial responsibility and some creditors may see it as so.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

A common misconception among people filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is that you can never have credit again, whether it’s a credit card, car payment, rent payment, etc.  This is simply not true.

To the contrary, you should use a bankruptcy as a fresh start to get your finances in order and re-establish and rebuild your credit the right way.  At Darrell Castle & Associates, we have access to a 14-week program that will teach you how to do that.

Some creditors — such as a leasing company — understand that people who have filed for a bankruptcy can easily get behind on their rent, refile for a Chapter 13 and include their rent in it. This could potentially be a factor you must overcome.

In short, if you’ve completed your Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can rent an apartment or a house, there’s just a chance you may have to try multiple leasing companies.  Just be sure to use this situation as a fresh start and make your rent payments on time to help rebuild your credit the correct way.

Want a free bankruptcy consultation?

If you’ve been considering filing bankruptcy but you’ve had the fear of not being able to move to a new place, let us help ease your fears.

A bankruptcy is nothing to be afraid of, especially when you have an experienced law firm to help you make the decision as to whether or not it’s right for you.

Call us at (901) 327-2100 today to schedule your free appointment. Or you can contact us online.