These past few weeks truly flew by, and back-to-school season is upon us. This time of year, I always think back to my daughter’s elementary school days, when I would drive her to school and we’d discuss what she looked forward to about the week.
But not every trip to school brings happy memories: from 2006 to 2015, 301 school-age children were killed in school transportation-related accidents. The risk factors are easy to see — there aren’t enough minutes in the day for all we have to do; students are rushing to class and busy parents are dropping kids off on the way to work. But nothing is more important than our young ones’ safety. Crucial conversations can keep kids safe, so be sure to discuss the following tips with them before the first bell rings.
Biking Safety Tips
– Some schools require students to reach a certain age before riding their bikes to school. Verify the rules at your child’s school to make sure it’s allowed.
– If they’re old enough to ride, make sure they always wear a helmet. Other safety gear, including lights and bells, are also important to consider.
– Make sure your child understands the rules of the road and knows how to obey them. They should also know and use all of the appropriate hand signals.
– Encourage them to ride with classmates, as there is safety in numbers.
– Plan ahead of time to find the safest route and practice riding it with them before they do it alone.
Walking Safety Tips
– Young children should never walk alone, but rather should always be accompanied by a responsible adult.
– Use sidewalks and crosswalks whenever possible.
– Always use caution and pay attention when walking near traffic.
– As with biking, there is strength in numbers. Even older kids shouldn’t walk alone.
– Leave extra time so there’s no rushing.
Bus Safety Tips
– Students waiting for a bus should stay five steps or more away from the curb.
– Wait to board until the bus driver says it is safe to do so.
– When getting off the bus, look left-right-left while walking towards the curb.
Teen Driving Safety Tips
– Teens are more likely than any other demographic to text while driving. Talk to your teen about common driving distractions — texting, talking on the phone, eating, changing the radio station or music on an iphone, and more — and make sure they understand the importance of staying focused and alert.
– Talk to your teen about the importance of following the speed limit, and — when behind the wheel yourself — lead by example.
Get Legal Help From a Memphis Bike Accident Lawyer
At Darrell Castle & Associates, we understand the physical and emotional toll of any accident. If your child has been injured while riding a bike, the bus, or driving to school, we can help.
Contact us online today or call 901-327-1212 to speak in person with the Memphis bike accident lawyer Tennessee trusts with their cases.