Form of SSDI Qualification Finally Changed
In a recent decision, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has removed an offensive term for one form of SSDI qualification and replaced it with “intellectual disability.” This is a welcome decision to the many people who apply for SSDI for an intellectual disability.
The change follows an initiative three years ago to remove the term from federal usage. Advocates for the mentally impaired argue the phrase has a negative connotation and can lead to misunderstanding about the individual’s illness or unique challenges.
What Do These Changes Mean?
These changes will especially affect the Social Security Disability (SSDI) wing of the administration. People with intellectual disability may qualify for SSDI, depending on the severity of your condition.
If applying with an intellectual disability, you have to apply for the benefits just like anyone else. In addition, you may need assistance in filling out the forms and making your case.
The applications process isn’t much different for someone with intellectual disability as it is for someone with a back sprain. Whether disabled from birth or a later accident, it’s very difficult for everyone to understand the complicated legal jargon.
As a result, friends or family members help applicants navigate the process all the time.
Applying for SSDI for an Intellectual Disability
If a person with intellectual disability applies for SSDI and gets denied, you can still appeal:
Firstly, you should find an attorney to help.
Secondly, you only have 60 days to appeal.
A kind, compassionate attorney will be happy to help you put together a strong appeal case. This is what I do all the time, and I have a great staff supporting the effort, too.
As certain words become tools for bullying and abuse, it breaks my heart for those people who desperately need a helping hand. The change in terminology is a welcomed first step. However, we also need the federal government, lawyers, and the appellate courts to treat our disabled neighbors with the respect they deserve ongoing. We should also help anyone navigate this complicated process when they need it.
If you or a loved one has been denied SSDI for an intellectual disability, we would love to help you. Contact me today to discuss your situation. The conversation is free.