Steps to Take When Pursuing Legal Action Following a Brain Injury
Brain injuries have the ability to impact nearly all aspects of an accident victim’s life. What many unsuspecting accident victims don’t realize is the likelihood that they may be left to contend with the physical and emotional consequences of a brain injury. In some cases, your life may even change for the long term. Common symptoms may include:
- Memory Problems
- Mood Swings
- Headaches
- Physical Impairments
- Impaired Cognitive Functioning
Should your brain injury be the result of an accident that was caused by someone who acted negligently, it may be appropriate to seek compensation for the damages you have suffered. Because of this, it may be in your best interest to consult with a brain injury lawyer for help in taking action. They can help pursue your case and assign a fair value to your claim that takes into consideration the long term impact of a brain injury. Here are some steps to take when pursuing legal action after an accident that resulted in a brain injury:
Step One: Make Sure That an Accident Report is Completed
Following an accident, it’s important to make sure that you notify the property owner of the accident. Make sure that an accident report is completed. This is key should you decide to take legal action as it can act as a key piece of evidence in your case. In cases where a car accident has occurred, calling the police to the scene will likely result in a police report. A police report can provide accident victims with the same benefits as an accident report. Additionally, a police report will include an investigation into the accident, and will likely identify who was at fault for the accident.
Step Two: Seek Medical Attention
Injuries from an accident may require medical attention. Even if you do not believe that your injuries are severe enough to warrant treatment, at least getting assessed by a doctor can ensure that you do not have any underlying injuries that require treatment. It’s not uncommon for some accident victims to experience a delay in symptoms. If this has occurred, you should seek medical attention from a professional. Medical care not only helps you to obtain treatment, but can help tie your injuries to your accident should you take legal action.
Step Three: Gather as Much Evidence as Possible
While you may be unsure of whether you will take legal action, you should still gather as much evidence as possible in the event that you choose to move forward with a brain injury claim. Evidence will play a key factor in proving your case, and may include:
- Police/Accident Report
- Medical Documentation
- Photographs/Videos
- Eyewitness Statements
Step Four: Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with a Lawyer
Many personal injury lawyers offer complimentary consultations to their prospective clients. This gives you both the opportunity to determine whether it’s appropriate to move forward. A lawyer will review the details surrounding your case, including:
- The injuries you have suffered
- The details surrounding the accident
- Identifying the party responsible
- Whether the elements of a personal injury claim are present
For those who have suffered a brain injury, it’s important to not delay taking a variety of key steps to ensure proper recovery, and a smooth legal process. Obtaining medical care and legal counsel can help accident victims to move forward following an accident. For the help that you deserve following a head injury that has occurred at the hands of a negligent party, consulting with a brain injury lawyer in Trenton, NJ can assist in taking the appropriate next steps with your legal claim.
Thanks to Davis & Brusca for their insight into personal injury claims and pursuing a legal case after a brain injury.