The stress that comes with debt can literally kill you.

Today’s world is full of addictions – drugs, alcohol, gambling, – you name it. All of these addictions are dangerous for your health, as well as your wallet, but one addiction that may be overlooked is spending.

Some people just love to spend. Many times, they just want nice things. They may only make $30,000 a year, but they give off the impression of a millionaire. They have a nice house, nice cars, nice clothes and a lot of debt.

Sometimes, these same people did start off rich. They were successful and comfortably had all of those nice things above with no debt. But then they lost their job and that source of big income had vanished. They had to settle for a less-paying job, but they struggled to give up their expensive lifestyle along with it.

Inevitably, the debt forced them to file for bankruptcy – they just had so many bills they knew they couldn’t pay. Now their debts were gone, but their lifestyle was the same and the debt piled right back on. This resulted in more bills they just couldn’t pay back right in the middle of a period where they couldn’t re-file for bankruptcy.

These people may give off a rich and happy persona, but chances are they are stressed. How are they going to pay their bills? How are they going to feed their family? What can they do?

The magical thing is, stress can be erased just as easily as the debt! However, it will take some work.

Here at Darrell Castle & Associates, our firm has concentrated in bankruptcies for decades with a group of experienced Memphis bankruptcy attorneys. We are here to help people stressed with debt they just can’t get rid of.

If you’re overwhelmed with debt you can’t pay, let us help. By filing for bankruptcy, you can either discharge that debt or lump it all into an affordable payment plan.

But then, it’s vital for you to make the necessary lifestyle changes to begin saving money and accumulating wealth to avoid a repeat of this situation.

We can help you with that too.

We can offer you a 14-week program, “7 Steps to 720” that will teach you:

  • how to rebuild your credit the right way
  • why most credit scores are wrong
  • which credit cards actually hurt your credit score
  • how to stop lenders that report the wrong information
  • how to re-establish your credit after a bankruptcy, foreclosure or short sale

This great resource is free for our clients.

Don’t continue to stress over your debt. Take the appropriate measures to get out of debt and better your life.

If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, or if you have any questions, please contact us by filling out the “Get in Touch” form below or call us at (901) 327-2100. One of our attorneys will be ready to discuss your situation with you, free of charge.