What to Expect from Your Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you or a loved one has been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you might be feeling overwhelmed about what comes next. And if you pursue compensation, your personal injury lawsuit timeline may seem confusing and stressful.

As a personal injury lawyer with years of experience, I’m here to guide you through the process, step by step. Let’s walk through what you can expect during a personal injury lawsuit so you feel confident and prepared.

Step 1: Finding the Right Lawyer

The first step in your journey is finding a lawyer who’s the right fit for your case. Choosing the right person can make a huge difference in the outcome.

You need someone knowledgeable, who you can trust, and who will fight for your rights. A good lawyer will explain all your options and make sure you understand what to expect. You also won’t need to pay anything upfront for this – reputable attorneys don’t win anything unless and until we win your case.

Our award-winning team has built a reputation of compassionate client care and fierce determination. We’ve gone up against some of the biggest companies in the world, and won. All while treating you and your loved ones with the respect you deserve.

Step 2: Investigating Your Claim

Once you’ve chosen us as your lawyer, we’ll start gathering all the details about your incident.

This involves collecting evidence like witness statements, photos, or videos of the accident scene. We’ll get your medical records and any relevant reports from your healthcare providers. And we’ll look at other details, like:

  • For an auto or road accident, where did it occur and in exactly what way?
  • If medical malpractice, what is the normal standard of care for a case like yours?
  • In the case of nursing home abuse, does the facility have a history of abusive practices?
  • Etc.

This phase is crucial because it builds the foundation of your case. We look at every single detail, which helps to prove your claim.

Step 3: Filing the Lawsuit

After thorough preparation, we file the lawsuit on your behalf.

We draft legal documents that outline your injuries and the compensation you’re seeking. These documents are then served to the defendant, which officially notifies them of your intent to seek damages for your injuries.

Step 4: The Discovery Phase

Next is the discovery phase, where both sides exchange information and evidence. This might involve written questions, document requests, and depositions.

It’s a critical stage where we dig deep to gather as much favorable evidence as possible to strengthen your case. And whenever you need to be involved, we help you know exactly what to expect.

medical malpractice lawyer Memphis, TNStep 5: Negotiating a Settlement

Most personal injury cases settle out of court. In this phase, we negotiate with the defendant’s insurance company or lawyer to reach a settlement that fairly compensates you without the need for a trial.

As your lawyer, I make it my business to leverage every piece of evidence to ensure the best possible settlement terms for you.

However, sometimes the other side simply won’t budge. Maybe they make an offer, but it’s totally unreasonable for the damages you’ve endured. In that case, the next step is to go to trial.

Step 6: Going to Trial

If a settlement can’t be reached, your case will go to trial. This is where a judge or jury will hear your case and make a decision.

Trials can be unpredictable, but with a strong advocate by your side, you can feel confident your case is presented effectively.

Step 7: Receiving the Judgment

If the trial goes in your favor, the court will issue a judgment requiring the defendant to pay you a specified sum. However, if the defendant appeals the decision, it might delay the process.

This is one of the many reasons we always work toward an appropriate settlement first: you aren’t suing for fun. You need the compensation to help cover immediate needs like medical bills and lost wages. We want that money in your pocket without delay, and we work hard to make sure that happens.

Step 8: Collecting Your Compensation

Winning a judgment is a significant victory. And after that, you should be able to collect the money you need and deserve. However, at this stage, the other side can sometimes delay things.

We assist in getting the judgment enforced so you receive the compensation owed to you. And if things come up that change the timeline from what we anticipated, you won’t be in the dark. We keep open communication with you, so you understand what’s happening.

Step 9: Avoiding Mistakes Along the Way

At any point in this process, it would be easy to make simple mistakes, including:

  • Not seeking medical attention or not following medical advice.
  • Talking too much about your accident or injuries on social media.
  • Accepting the first offer, even if it’s too low.
  • Speaking with the other side’s insurance company.
  • And more.

We help you avoid these pitfalls, so you have the best possible chance of success.

Darrell Castle downtown Memphis attorneyYour Next Step: Finding a Lawyer to Help with Your Personal Injury Lawsuit Timeline

Every personal injury case is unique, and a personal injury lawsuit timeline will vary from person to person. Some cases resolve quickly, while others may take longer.

The key is to have a committed and skilled lawyer by your side. You want someone who will communicate with you from day one, so you never feel in the dark.

At our firm, we pride ourselves on providing personal attention and aggressive legal representation. We come alongside you and fight for you every step of the way. We update you throughout, and we make ourselves available no matter what comes up.

Understanding the timeline and what to expect can make the legal process less intimidating, and having the right team changes everything. If you’re looking for a lawyer who will stand by you every step of the way, contact us today. We’re here to help you get the justice and compensation you deserve.