TN Babies Born Opioid-Addicted is a Presidential Concern

This last July, First Lady Melania Trump flew to the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt in Nashville to visit TN babies born opioid-addicted. The visit was part of a new initiative to “Be Best,” which the First Lady says will focus on the consequences of the opioid epidemic for children, among other child-related issues.

While a positive step, this is yet another sign of just how big the opioid crisis has grown. This epidemic continues to devastate our country and our communities right here in Tennessee.


Tennessee is Facing an Epidemic of Drug-dependent Infants

Newborns are suffering from the opioid crisis at staggering rates, especially here in Tennessee. According to the Tennessean, babies born into drug withdrawal increased by a factor of ten from 1999 to 2010. And that number is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, nearly 1,000 babies were born addicted to drugs just in 2016.

So, how does a baby develop a dependence on drugs? Drugs enter a child’s system when its mother uses them while she is pregnant. Perhaps surprisingly, the most common drugs that cause fetal addiction are prescription opioids, obtained legally by mothers from their doctors. These types of medications include OxyContin, Vicodin, Percocet, Methadone, and more. Once born, the child no longer receives the drugs it has grown to depend on and plunges into agonizing withdrawal. This devastating withdrawal condition is known is Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, or NAS.

The initial symptoms of NAS are heartbreaking. These include extreme irritability, shaking, seizures, projectile vomiting, sweating, refusing to feed, slow weight gain, blotchy skin, and more. And the long-term effects can be even worse. Children born with NAS can face lifelong learning disabilities, language delays, hearing impairments, psychiatric illness, and more. This is why our team at Darrell Castle & Associates, PLLC is fighting on behalf of TN babies born opioid-addicted.

We Are Here to Get You and Your Family the Justice You Deserve.

Treatment for NAS is estimated to cost $62,000 in the first year alone. This is a financial burden no family should have to bear. If you, your child, or a child you know was born with NAS, we want to speak with you right away. We have a plan to seek financial compensation for you and your family from the opioid manufacturers who played a major role in the health crisis that is plaguing our great state.

Contact us online today or call 901-327-1212 to speak in person with lawyers who can get you the justice you deserve. The call is absolutely free, and we are only paid if we win your case.