Be prepared because a car accident can happen to you
If you were injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, or you’re not sure whose fault it was, call us today at (901) 327-1212 to schedule a FREE consultation with one of our experienced car accident attorneys.
Also, be sure to download our Car Accident Checklist to print and keep in your car!
Video Transcript
Hello this is Darrell Castle. I’m an attorney licensed to practice law in the state of Tennessee and on this video today, I’m talking about what you should do, as well as what you should not do when you have an automobile accident.
# 1
You should get an automobile checklist – telling the things you should do and the things to keep in mind – and keep that checklist in your car – in your glove compartment or some place else. And every once in a while – maybe every month or so – take that checklist out and look at it. Read it over so that you are familiar with the things on it, because once you have an accident, under stress, you may not remember those things if you haven’t read it recently.
When you have an accident, get medical attention. Especially if it’s an injury when you need to be transported immediately in an ambulance. If that’s the case, then go in the ambulance and let somebody else worry about the rest of the things. But, if you’re injury is not that serious, then just get the medical attention you need and take care of the few basic things.
Never admit fault to anybody – never go to the other driver and say “Oh, I’m sorry. It was all my fault.” Don’t say that to anyone else either. When the police officer comes to investigate – and you should always call the police when you have an accident – tell the officer what happened and don’t lie to him. It’s a crime to lie to the police. Tell him the truth about what happened, but don’t admit fault. Don’t say “it was my fault,” just tell him what happened.
You should take your cell phone and take pictures of the scene. Take pictures of the vehicle showing their damages. Take pictures of any injuries you might see, and you always want to get the other drivers’ license plate number, so it’s a good idea to take pictures of the license plate if you can and if it’s not damaged.
Exchange information with the other driver. Get his or her insurance information, license plate number and things like that. The important thing is not to admit fault – or liability as a lawyer would call it – to anyone. You don’t have to do that. All you have to do is talk about what happened. Take that checklist and review it every once in a while and get the medical attention that you need. Those are the important things. Let somebody worry about liability after you’ve done those things, folks.