The most common types of distracted driving
By: Darrell Castle
At any given daytime moment across America, an estimated 660,000 drivers are using their cell phones or other electronic devices while driving, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Texting and driving is dangerous – everyone KNOWS that. If not, they’ve been hiding under a rock because there’s a new PSA or news story about it almost every day, or so it seems.
But, that’s not the only common form of distracted driving. They’re some things you may be doing while driving that you may not consider dangerous, like:
- Eating and drinking
- Talking to passengers
- Grooming
- Reading, including maps
- Using a navigation system
- Watching a video
- Adjusting a radio, CD or MP3 player
Without a doubt, texting and driving is the most publicized form of distracted driving, but if you sit and mull over the other forms listed above, can you see how they can become hazardous on the roads too?
When driving, make every effort possible to abstain from distracted driving.
Do you need to apply lipstick? Wait until you’re parked.
Do you need to read a roadmap? Pull over.
Do you need to watch a video on your phone? Wait until you’re in your house.
Do you need to change the radio station because the Tigers game is about to come on? Wait until you’re stopped at the next red-light.
Keep yourself and the cars around you safe and stop driving distracted. Don’t be a statistic. Change the narrative. Whatever cliche works most effectively for you, engage in it.
As a Memphis car accident attorney, my firm is here to help the victim who’s been injured by a distracted driver, and with 30+ years of experience practicing in the area, we’re pretty good at it.
If you’ve been injured in a car accident and it wasn’t your fault, or you’re not sure whose fault it was, speak to an experienced attorney after you’ve been medically treated. An experienced attorney will be able to determine who was liable in the accident and if you will be entitled to compensation for damages, and how much.
You need an attorney you can trust, though. You need an attorney who will fight to get you the compensation you deserve while walking and talking you through the details of the process. You’ll find that at Darrell Castle & Associates and we have multiple Client Distinction Awards from Martindale-Hubbel for excellent client satisfaction to back it up.
Give us a call at (901) 327-1212 to schedule a FREE consultation, or contact us by filling out one of the contact forms on this page.