As a Memphis workers compensation lawyer, I know a workplace injury can be devastating. It’s not only difficult emotionally and physically, it makes it harder to pay the bills and put food on the table. Plus, the additional paperwork and legal experience needed to file a successful workers compensation claim only adds to the frustration. Many injured workers and their families feel daunted by the entire process, and I don’t blame them.
If you or a loved one was injured on the job, you already have a lot to worry about. Below is some information that I hope will help you better understand your rights.
What is workers compensation?
Workers compensation is a type of insurance provided by employers. They agree to cover you in the case of a work-related injury or illness by paying for your lost wages, medical expenses, and other costs. In return, you agree not to pursue them for more money.
What type of injuries does workers compensation cover?
Workers compensation covers any injury or illness that happened as a direct result from a person’s work. Some examples of injuries that are usually covered are:
- Slip and fall accidents
- Repetitive motion injuries, like carpal tunnel syndrome
- Illness caused from exposure to dangerous chemicals
- Car accidents that occur on the job
That being said, injuries are not covered if the worker was intoxicated from alcohol or drugs during the injury, or if the injury occurred outside of work.
If the accident was my fault, am I still eligible for workers compensation?
It does not matter who is at fault for the accident if your injury was at work. Workers compensation is a no-fault system.
How do I prove my injury is work-related?
After an injury, there are a few things you can do to help prove your case and ensure it doesn’t get denied. These include things like:
- File and report the accident as quickly as possible
- Get testimonies from any witnesses
- Keep all your doctors’ notes
- Keep any prescriptions that are related to the accident
If you made a claim and it was denied, don’t worry. You can speak with one of our experienced workers compensation lawyers to get help with your case.
How can a workers compensation lawyer help?
It can be a real uphill battle to get proper workers compensation coverage by yourself. You could wind up with sky-high medical bills, or even lose your job without a lawyer.
An experienced workers compensation lawyer can help you:
- recover from your injuries
- make up for lost wages
- protect your job
Hiring a workers compensation lawyer will make it more likely you will get the payments you deserve. However, a lot of folks don’t get the help they need because they think a lawyer will cost too much. This is a real shame, because it’s all based on a myth.
The law limits the attorney fee to a small percentage of past-due benefits only, not ongoing benefits. This means you won’t lose any money from future payments, and it allows you to choose your attorney based on experience rather than cost.
Contact a Memphis workers compensation lawyer for FREE.
If you’ve been injured on the job, speak with a workers compensation lawyer Memphis trusts. We understand that a work-related injury can have dire consequences on your day-to-day life. Contact us today online or call 901-327-1212 for a FREE consultation. We want to make sure you get the compensation you deserve to recover quickly and move forward with your life.