In June 2011, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released information connecting 80mg doses of cholesterol drugs Zocor and Vytorin to muscle damaging conditions myopathy and rhabdomyolysis. Learn more about the FDA’s decision through these resources:
Safety Alert
General warning info geared toward doctors and pharmacists who prescribe simvastatin drugs like Zocor and Vytorin.
Safety Communication/Info on Doses of Simvastatin
Information for patients and healthcare providers about how simvastatin drugs like Zocor and Vytorin should and should not be used. This safety data includes dose limitations and a list of drugs with which simvastatin is contraindicated.
FDA Simvastatin Press Release
Announcement of FDA’s decision to require safety label changes for high doses of simvastatin, including Zocor and Vytorin.
Consumer Update
For patients who might have concerns and want to learn more. Outlines the dangers of high dose simvastatin drugs like Zocor and Vytorin.
If you have taken Zocor or Vytorin and have suffered from myopathy or rhabdomyolysis, you may be entitled to compensation. Our law firm can help answer your questions or talk through your situation at no cost to you. Contact us today for more information!