Which person in your life would you consider your “rock”? Think of someone you can trust to be there for you when you become ill or injured. Consider a person who will listen to your problems without any judgement and help to pull you out of a difficult situation. Is it your spouse, a sibling, or a friend who has your best interest at heart?
We recently challenged everyone at our Memphis law firm to answer this question through a unique exercise created by Chris Mullins of the Intake Academy, which helps law firms to provide their clients with the best service and experience possible.
Once each of us had thought of someone that we consider our “rock,” we each decorated an actual rock to represent that supportive person and what they do for us. We will keep these rocks on our desks all year as a symbol of the people we consider our rocks. In addition to bringing us comfort and prompting us to count our blessings, these rocks are meant to remind us that we have the opportunity and responsibility to serve as our clients’ rocks.
Serving Our Bankruptcy and Personal Injury Clients
We all know someone who has lost the person they once considered their rock, and unfortunately some people have not yet found someone truly supportive in their lives. During a physically or financially painful time, those people (and even people who have loved ones to care for them) will need and appreciate the support of an understanding attorney who is fully dedicated to his client’s well being.
Many of our clients feel trapped by growing credit card debt and endless bills, while they are intimidated by the threat of a car repossession or a home foreclosure. Some of our clients feel powerless to provide for their families because they have been injured on the job or in a painful car accident. Whatever the case may be, we want to make our Memphis bankruptcy and personal injury clients feel at ease when we answer their call or when they step into our office.
These rocks serve as reminders to our Memphis law firm that our clients have put their trust in us to get them the assistance or compensation that they deserve. Nothing can erase an injury or bring back a loved one, but we believe that a compassionate lawyer can make all the difference in a personal injury or bankruptcy case. With the advocacy of a liquidation lawyer Memphis, TN residents trust, bankruptcy can usually be completed within 3-6 months from the date of filing.
Sharing Our Law Firm’s Commitment to Clients
We wanted to share this exercise here on our personal injury and bankruptcy blog to give our prospective clients the peace of mind that comes with knowing that we take their cases very seriously. We believe that we owe it to the people who support us to return the favor and serve as supportive rocks for our clients. We sincerely hope you can see that our Memphis law firm is determined to help our clients to sort through the issues that have been weighing them down, and to assist them with starting over in 2016.