Every day as I hear about the horrible injuries caused by intrauterine devices (IUDs), I get angrier.

IUD, or transvaginal mesh–which is implanted in women after childbirth, surgery, or other medical problems–has left thousands and thousands of women in unimaginable pain.

The mesh often requires multiple surgeries to remove it. It can puncture internal organs and cause severe bleeding or infection. It has left some women unable to walk or sit down, unable to go out in public because of incontinence, and completely prevented from doing their jobs or raising their families.

Pelvic mesh has stolen from these women the ability to be active mothers, managers, artists, grandmothers, friends. It has prevented them from living a normal life–a life we so often take for granted.

When I talk with clients about these injuries, I think of my own wife and daughter. Every woman injured by this product is someone’s wife, daughter, or mother.

If you’re injured by pelvic mesh, your family and friends hurt for you. Your impact on the world is noticed. Your work matters. You matter. I think sometimes the drug companies forget that.

Thousands of pelvic mesh cases have already been filed. In my opinion, these women have been gravely harmed and absolutely deserve the compensation they’re asking for.

That’s why I’m taking these cases so seriously. As a TN IUD lawyer, I’m fighting to help women get justice after being injured by pelvic mesh.

If you’ve used transvaginal mesh and been injured, I hope you’ll contact me to discuss your case at no charge. My Memphis firm is fully prepared to help you get the justice you deserve.

You can reach me any time via the web or give me a call at (901) 327-1212.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, an auto accident lawyer Memphis, TN trusts from Darrell Castle & Associates is here to help.