By: Darrell Castle
Recently there have been reports of botulism in children with cerebral palsy. Where is this botulism coming from, and what is causing it?
Each child’s case is unique, but one common factor is the rise in Botox use on children with spasms.
Botulism is caused by a toxin found in the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. That toxin – called botulinum – is the same thing, essentially, as Botox.
Yes, Botox: the famous cosmetic drug used to get rid of wrinkles. But the problems occurring in children have nothing to do with cosmetic use of Botox. Doctors are actually injecting it into children in very large doses to help stop spasms. This treatment has become especially popular for children with cerebral palsy.
There are a few major problems with this treatment:
- The FDA has not approved Botox for use in children with spasms, including for cerebral palsy.
- In fact, the FDA has not approved Botox for use in ANY child under the age of 12.
- In large doses, the botulinum toxin can do more damage than expected.
- For children, whose bodies are smaller and more vulnerable, it’s possible to overdose on the toxin.
- Overdoses can cause botulism, paralysis, brain damage, and nerve damage.
- In some cases, Botox injections in children with cerebral palsy have put the child in a permanently vegetative state.
- An overdose on Botox can even cause death.
Unfortunately, Allergen – the pharmaceutical company that makes Botox – didn’t tell all of this to the doctors treating our children. In many hospitals around the United States, doctors use Botox on CP children without knowing about the risks. They may have your child’s best interest at heart, but they’re being kept in the dark.
When we found out this was happening, I and my attorneys were appalled. As a personal injury attorney I see a lot of dangerous drug cases every day; but these Botox injuries truly shocked me. Contact our offices to dicsuss your options with a dangerous drugs lawyer Memphis, TN families turn to and trust.
If your child has been injured by Botox injections – or if you think they might have been – contact me today. My Tennessee Botox attorneys in Memphis are dedicated to getting justice for victims of this drug. You may be entitled to compensation. It’s our job to help you investigate the situation, figure out what happened, and help you win.
It’s easy to contact me. Just call (901) 327-1212 or fill out one of the contact forms on this page.