Insomnia Over Debt Growing in the US

According to a recent study by, the majority of Americans experience insomnia over debt. 65% of Americans lose sleep over money issues, up from 56% in 2007. Here are the most common debt-related fears:

  • health care and insurance bills (38%)
  • the need to save for retirement (37%)
  • educational expenses and student loans (34%)
  • mortgage (26%)
  • credit card debt (22%)

A lack of sleep causes depression and anxiety. It limits us as parents, students, workers, and citizens. It robs us of our health and happiness. And nationally, it makes us less productive. This is a major crisis.

What Can We Do About It?

Talk with the Right People

If you’re suffering from insomnia, you should first talk with a health care provider. There are medications and natural treatments that have given a lot of people relief. Therapists and counselors can also help. Sometimes you need to process your fears out loud with someone who isn’t personally connected to you or affected by your decisions.

Face Your Fears

From there, you have to face the cause of your fears. If you haven’t already looked seriously at your finances, this is the time. Sometimes people have anxiety and sleep problems over the unknown. There’s no reason to let that continue. Look carefully at your budget and your financial goals. You may be able to reset your life on your own by making some lifestyle changes or talking with a credit counselor.

Get Out of Debt

Some people have so much debt that no amount of effort on their own can fix the problem. Perhaps you carry thousands of dollars in credit card debt that limits you from being able to pay off student loans or health care bills. If so, you’re not alone.

As a bankruptcy attorney Memphis TN residents have turned to in times of financial crisis, I’ve seen debt steal sleep from too many people. We get a lot of calls and contact forms at 2am. But one way to get rid of insomnia over debt is to get rid of the debt.

Bankruptcy can clear your credit card debt and medical bills. It can save your home and car. It stops wage garnishment, creditor harassment – and yes, in some cases, even insomnia.

How Our Memphis TN Bankruptcy Lawyers Can Help

We want to help you get your debt under control. With a free consultation, you can find out about all your options and start the process of getting out of debt completely.

And we go even further than that. Our firm takes your financial health seriously even after a bankruptcy. We offer a free report on life after bankruptcy and we enroll all our clients in a credit rebuilding program.

We’ve helped thousands of people get relief from their debt troubles, and we’d love to help you, too. Contact us today at 901-327-2100 or online to get started.