By: Darrell CastleEvery afternoon at the Castle household, my wife and I partake in “James Hour.” This “James Hour” (typically longer than an hour) is a time of fellowship with friends and family while indulging in some cheese, sausage and drinks. Great conversations always arise from this time, and I want to share some of the conversation with you. That’s why you can expect a weekly “James Hour Conversation” post in which I discuss some hot-button issues in the community and nation. Please take this opportunity to comment back your thoughts on the discussions.


CVS Has Stopped Selling Cigarettes

What do I think about CVS and their removal of cigarette sales? CVS is a corporation and corporations aren’t people. The shareholders and the board of directors can do what they want to do – that’s their freedom. But I would just hate it if CVS were being FORCED to stop selling cigarettes.

There are people who smoke, and the free market can decide these things. I guarantee you there are other places willing to pick up the slack of cigarette sales.

The NCAA and Power 5 Conferences

Obviously I’m a fan of Memphis. I’ve heard the Memphis Athletic Director, Tom Bowen, talk about what’s happening with the Power 5 conferences and sound positive about it.

I probably wouldn’t be against it if I was a fan of a Power 5 team, but I don’t see anything good in it as a Memphis fan – it can only hurt us.

But, to deal with the reality of the situation, Memphis has to work to get into a Power 5 conference, and Coach Justin Fuente, with this big win last week over Austin Peay, is taking steps in the right direction.

I think the whole situation does bring to light the hypocrisy there is in college sports today. There is greed and arrogance, and no matter how much money you have, it’s never enough. For example, the University of Texas has all of the money in the world, and then they still wanted their own TV network. These conferences will be trying to swallow up more and more until there’s nothing left.

It bothers me more than a little that public universities have to compete in this game. Power is the right word. These conferences and athletic departments are making billions of dollars, but kids are paying debt up to their nose to attend the schools. It bothers me.

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