Car accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers and have been for decades. Thousands of teen drivers and passengers are killed every year in road crashes.
But in a turn of wonderful news, over the last few years the CDC reports that fatality rates for teen drivers have actually decreased by 46%. Insurance companies cite as one explanation the Graduated Driver License (GDL) requirements in some states.
States with comprehensive GDL laws that require – among other things – 50 hours of practice, no cell phone use, and restricted night driving have less teen road fatalities. In fact, the rate of fatality in each state tends to decrease according to the strength of the individual state’s GDL law.
Tennessee has a comprehensive GDL law that restricts driving hours, requires the recommended 50 hours of training, and slowly lifts certain restrictions over time as the teen proves safe driving habits.
But what about the teens who survive the crashes? It’s good to fight the very high numbers of teen car accident fatalities and hope the damage ends there; but unfortunately, the injuries from car accidents can have devastating and life-long effects, too.
For the 55,000 seriously injured teenage car accident survivors each year, 30% suffer from head injuries as a result. That makes head injuries – ranging from concussions to severe brain damage – the most common serious injury type in teen crashes.
Head injuries can bring with them a lifetime of medical bills and other painful consequences. The expenses may be overwhelming, and the pain and suffering for the teens and their families can’t be overstated. In other words, sometimes surviving a car accident is just the first step. A long road to recovery might be ahead. A brain injury lawyer Memphis, TN families trust can explain what kind of compensation you might expect when you bring a personal injury case after a brain injury.
Our Memphis car accident attorneys work with victims and will gladly discuss your situation with you for no cost, so contact us today to get started or call (901) 327-1212.