The Memphis Valero Refinery explosion in March has led to a wrongful death lawsuit in San Antonio – a lawsuit that could be worth millions of dollars.

The explosion, which killed a subcontractor and severely burned two other workers on March 6, 2012, allegedly caused such terrible damage because Valero allowed employees to work on a piece of equipment called a flare range that still had flammable gasses flowing through it. Because those gasses had not been completely cleared from the flare line, the lawsuit claims, a large flash fire erupted.

According to the Commercial Appeal, the lawsuit alleges that Valero committed:

“severe and gross negligence — from failing to ensure that there were no hazardous or flammable gases in the flare line to providing timely firefighting assistance and having automatic firefighting equipment in place. [The lawsuit] claims that the March 6 fire was the third one at the Memphis refinery in less than two years.”

Wrongful death lawsuits help the families of victims who died because of someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing.

If your loved one has been injured or killed because of someone else’s behavior or neglect, our Memphis PI attorneys can help. We work with victims and victims’ families to get the compensation they deserve.

Contact us today to get started, or call us at (901) 327-1212.

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