What You Need to Know About SSDI and Personal Injury Settlements

If you’ve sued over an injury that wasn’t your fault, you may be wondering how it affects your SSDI benefits. Or alternatively, you may wonder if you can receive SSDI at all. Here’s what you need to know about SSDI and personal injury settlements.

Getting the Help You Need

Compensation as part of a personal injury lawsuit should not have any effect on your Social Security disability application. In fact, pursuing the two together may help you:

If you can prove to the SSA that you have a disabling injury preventing you from working, it can help your personal injury case. Proving your injury affected your life speaks volumes about the legitimacy of your injury and its consequences. That means courts will be more likely to pay you for loss of income and quality of life.

Those details alone may not win a personal injury case, but they certainly won’t hurt your chances in a settlement or with a jury.

Ideally, you can receive compensation in a personal injury case to help cover your medical bills, necessary repairs, and other related costs.

Social Security disability benefits help you deal with long-term loss of income. Instead of just covering your medical costs and losses from the original injury, it helps you pay ongoing for your daily needs when you can’t work.


An Attorney Who Knows SSDI and Personal Injury

If you have an injury that keeps you from working, you should speak with an attorney who knows SSDI and personal injury inside and out.

SSDI applications get denied all the time, and we can help you appeal within 60 days. In addition, we can help you get compensation for your personal injury losses. And if your injury happened on the job? Well, we know workers’ compensation too.

Because we know so much about your options, we can help you get compensation in whatever ways best fit your situation. And we don’t make a cent unless you do.

Just contact us to talk with a lawyer for free: call us at 901-327-2100 or fill out the form below.

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