Anyone who is injured while on the job or develops an illness related to work may be entitled to worker’s compensation benefits. Injuries can  range from carpal tunnel syndrome to construction accidents and even death.

In Tennessee, employers with more than five employees are required to have workers’ compensation insurance; and construction companies must offer it no matter how many employees they have.

So if you are an employee at one of these businesses, and if your injury or illness is job related, then you are quite possibly eligible for compensation through workers’ comp.

Workers’ comp thus seems pretty simple, at least as you get started. In reality though, sometimes the insurance companies deny legitimate claims and make it difficult to receive benefits. Sometimes waiting to report the injury can damage your case; or if the injury is cumulative – meaning it occurred over time, like carpal tunnel – it can be hard to prove.

To know for sure if you’re eligible for workers’ compensation, or if you have other questions about the application process, talk with one of our Memphis workers’ compensation attorneys for no charge.

You can contact us online or call 901-327-1212.