A victim in a motorcycle accident may have trouble doing everyday things like talking, sleeping, eating, and even breathing. It can be difficult to work, and deal with life responsibilities when you are experiencing immense pain. It is highly recommended that any motorcyclist who sustained dental injuries from the wreck, seeks treatment from a reputable dentist right away. A dentist can assess the damage, and determine whether surgery is needed. Keep documents related to any exams and dental care, as this can serve as proof in your civil lawsuit if you decide to take legal action against the car driver for hitting you.
Q: What is the most common way that dental injuries happen?
A: A motorcyclist who is thrown from their bike due to the impact, may hit his or her face on the pavement. This can cause a broken nose, fractured jawbone, cracked teeth, and other facial wounds. Recovering from these injuries may require surgery to fix broken jaw bones, medications to prevent infection and alleviate pain, and long-term orthodontist work to reintegrate lost teeth. The treatment plan for a motorcyclist can vary, depending on the severity of the damage.
Q: Is it possible to save any teeth that were knocked out from the impact?
A: Yes, teeth that were knocked out of the socket but preserved and put back in by a dental professional shortly after, may reintegrate into the gum. However, inserting the tooth into the socket must be completed within a couple hours after the wreck, to increase the likelihood of it actually being absorbed and stabilized.
Q: What can I do to help protect myself financially and physically?
A: See your dentist immediately after the motorcycle wreck for dental care, and follow his or her treatment plans. You may also need to see a standard medical doctor for other types of injuries. Keep a file of documentation for the accident, including photographs of the scene, witness statements, the driver’s information, police report, dental x-rays, and anything else related.
Be wary when speaking with insurance adjusters, who are likely to call you after hearing about the accident, as they may push you to accept a settlement that is much less than you deserve. It is important that you understand what the full value of your case may be, and remain confident in wanting your losses fully covered.
Q: Can my dentist help me receive compensation for the accident?
A: Your dentist San Clemente, CA trusts can be a resource in your lawsuit against the car driver at-fault for the accident. He or she can provide copies of x-rays, examinations, diagnostics, procedures, medications, and anything else needed for treatment. This can help prove the extent of your injuries, in addition to showing just how much it cost to get the treatment needed to heal. Your dentist can also create a short-term and long-term care plan, so future expenses can be calculated into your potential lawsuit award too.
Thank you to our friends and contributors at John Redmond Orthodontics for their insight into dentistry and dental injuries resulting from a motorcycle accident.