Answers to Common Questions About Slip and Fall Lawsuits

Have you recently had an accident that left you wondering if you should pursue a slip and fall lawsuit? If you’re feeling unsure about what comes next, you’re not alone.

Many people find themselves overwhelmed when navigating the aftermath of an accident. As a personal injury lawyer specializing in slip and fall cases, I’d like to offer some clear, straightforward answers to some of the most common questions my clients ask.

What Should I Do Immediately After a Slip and Fall Accident?

Your health is your first priority. So get medical attention, even if you don’t think you’re seriously hurt—some injuries aren’t immediately obvious.

Then, if possible, take photos of the accident scene, and especially of what caused you to fall. Collect names and contact information of any witnesses, and report the accident to the property owner or manager.

And through all of this, hold off from making detailed statements or signing any documents until you’ve spoken with a lawyer. Your lawyer can help you navigate that process and avoid any traps.

How Do I Know If I Have a Valid Slip and Fall Claim?

A valid slip and fall claim typically involves a situation where your fall was caused by a hazardous condition on someone else’s property, and the property owner knew or should have known about the hazard but did nothing to fix it.

Some of the most common examples include wet floors without warning signs, uneven sidewalks, spills left unattended, littered floors, and poorly lit staircases.

If any of these situations apply to you or seem similar, you might have a strong slip and fall lawsuit.

What Can I Be Compensated For?

Compensation, or “damages,” in slip and fall cases can cover a variety of things depending on how the accident impacted you.

You may be able to receive compensation for:

  • medical bills
  • lost wages if you’re unable to work
  • pain and suffering
  • long-term disability or medical care
  • and more.

Each case is different, so the exact compensation will depend on the specifics of your situation.

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit?

The time limit for filing a slip and fall lawsuit – aka the statute of limitations – varies by state. Missing this deadline can result in losing your right to sue.

Our home state of Tennessee has one of the shortest statutes in the country. You only have one year from the time of the accident. And that’s including any preparation your attorney might need to do. So it’s crucial to consult a lawyer as soon as possible to make sure your rights are protected.

Should I Talk to the Insurance Company?

The short answer is no. Let your lawyer handle this.

Despite the marketing, insurance companies aren’t there for you – they work to protect their bottom line first. As a result, they may try to get you to settle quickly for less than you deserve or say something that would hurt your case.

Our attorneys work with the insurance companies on your behalf to protect your rights and best interests.

Medical malpractice lawyer Memphis, TNWhy Do I Need a Lawyer?

Slip and fall cases can be complex, and proving negligence isn’t always easy. A skilled personal injury lawyer can help gather the necessary evidence, deal with insurance companies, and negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

And if your case goes to trial, a lawyer will represent you in court and ensure you get a fair trial.

How Much Will a Lawyer Cost?

Most personal injury lawyers – including our team – work on a contingency fee basis. This means you don’t pay any upfront fees. Instead, your lawyer takes a percentage of the settlement or court award you receive.

This arrangement allows you to get justice without upfront financial risk. And it holds us accountable: our attorneys don’t receive a penny unless and until we win your case.

filing an SSDI appealWhat Should I Look for in a Lawyer?

Choose a slip and fall lawyer who specializes in personal injury and has experience with slip and fall lawsuits. In addition, look for someone who communicates clearly and makes you feel comfortable.

Check their credentials, ask for references, and consider their reputation in the community. A good lawyer will be a well-respected advocate who wants the best for you.

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident and need help navigating the next steps, our award-winning team is here for you. Our firm is dedicated to helping you secure the compensation you deserve while you focus on your recovery.

Let us take the burden off your shoulders. Contact us online today or call 901-327-2100 for a conversation about your case.