Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Memphis, TNRecent Changes to SSDI Laws You Should Know

Navigating the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) system can be complicated. And it’s even more challenging when they constantly update the laws and regulations. Now, recent changes in SSDI law could impact your income and plans for the future.

Keeping up with these changes is crucial if you’re applying for SSDI benefits or appealing a denial. Here’s what you need to know.

Changes to Medical Evidence Requirements

One of the most significant changes to SSDI laws involves the types of medical evidence the Social Security Administration (SSA) considers when evaluating your claim.

The SSA now places a greater emphasis on objective medical evidence, including:

  • lab tests
  • imaging results, and
  • detailed reports from specialists.

While personal statements and symptoms are still important, they may not carry as much weight without strong, objective medical evidence to back them up.

Brain Injury LawyerWhat This Means for You:

To strengthen your SSDI claim, make sure you have comprehensive medical records. Get second opinions if needed. Include as much objective evidence of your disability as possible.

If you’re unsure about whether you have the right medical documentation, consult with our SSDI lawyers. We can help you determine what additional evidence you might need.

Updates to the Blue Book Listings

The SSA’s Blue Book outlines the medical conditions and impairments that automatically qualify someone for SSDI benefits.

The SSA regularly updates the listings. They often add new conditions and revise the criteria for others. These updates reflect advances in medical understanding and treatment options for various disabilities.

What This Means for You:

If the Blue Book lists your condition, you should make sure your medical documentation meets their updated criteria.

Keep in mind that even if they don’t list your condition, you may still qualify for SSDI. You can still potentially prove your disability prevents you from working. Our knowledgeable SSDI lawyers can help you navigate these updates and build a strong case.

Tightened Rules for Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs)

The SSA sometimes conducts Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) to determine if people receiving SSDI benefits are still eligible.

Recently, the rules for CDRs have become stricter. They include more frequent reviews for certain conditions and a bigger focus on whether you can return to work.

This means even after you’re approved for SSDI, you may face ongoing scrutiny to maintain your benefits.

What This Means for You:

If you’re currently receiving SSDI benefits, it’s important to continue seeing your doctor regularly. Keep thorough records of your ongoing treatment and any changes in your condition. This documentation can be crucial during a CDR.

If you receive notice of a review, an SSDI lawyer can help make sure your benefits aren’t unjustly terminated. So you may want to speak with your attorney early on about how to protect yourself into the future.

Increased Use of Technology in SSDI Processes

The SSA increasingly integrates technology into the SSDI application and review processes. This includes the use of:

  • online applications
  • electronic medical records, and
  • automated systems for initial reviews.

While these changes are intended to streamline the process, they can also lead to more rigid decision-making and less personalized evaluations of your case.

What This Means for You:

Technology can make applying for SSDI more convenient. But the automated system also notices incomplete applications and errors even better than before.

An SSDI lawyer can help you navigate the online application process, make sure you and your doctors submit all necessary documentation correctly, and provide personalized guidance that an automated system might miss.

And if the automated tech denies your claim, don’t forget: you have 60 days to appeal, during which time you definitely should get a lawyer.

Darrell CastleA Lawyer to Help with Changes in SSDI Law

Understanding the recent changes to SSDI laws and how they affect your claim can be overwhelming. That’s where we come in.

As an experienced SSDI lawyer in Memphis, I’m here to help you stay informed, navigate the complexities of the SSDI system, and build a strong case for your benefits.

Whether you’re applying for the first time, appealing a denial, or worried about any of the above changes, I’m committed to you and your claim. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let’s work together to secure the benefits you need.

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