By: Darrell Castle

I see a lot of people asking questions about Tennessee driving laws in regards to cell phone use. And I don’t really like that.

It’s important for drivers to be knowledgeable of ALL driving laws BEFORE they get on the road. But especially driving laws regarding cell phones. And that’s true for two reasons.


(To learn everything you need to know about auto accident injuries and the legal system, download my FREE report — Car Accident Law 101 — from my website today!)


1. You may be breaking the law and don’t even know it.
2. You may be risking your life and other’s.

So, if you’re someone who isn’t sure exactly what the law states about cell phone use while driving, I’m glad you’re reading this. Here’s a little refresher.

Cell Phone Use

There’s no law that prohibits you from using your cell phone for talking purposes (the original purpose of the cell phone invention). That goes for handheld or hands-free devices.

If you have a phone call, you CAN talk on the phone while driving in Tennessee. UNLESS you have your learner’s permit or intermediate license.

It’s important to do so safely though. You want to keep your eyes on the road at all times while moving.

Texting & Driving

In Tennessee, you CANNOT text while you’re driving. It’s that simple. And if you’re caught doing so, you can get a ticket. And should.

Don’t do it. Put your phone up. Download an app that’ll help hold you accountable. Do whatever you need to do to NOT break this law. This is for your safety and the safety of other people on the road.

If it becomes necessary to pursue a lawsuit due to an accident, a car accident lawyer Memphis, TN community members rely on from Darrell Castle & Associates can help.

Our Memphis Auto Accident Attorneys Are Here For You

In a perfect world, everyone would follow these laws and there wouldn’t be any car accidents here in Memphis. But it’s not a perfect world and we know car accidents happen here everyday. Some of those accidents are serious.

If you’re injured in a car accident that’s not your fault, you deserve compensation for medical bills and other damages. And we want to help you get that.

For decades, Darrell Castle & Associates has helped injured people get the compensation they’re entitled to. We’re detailed, informative and will fight the insurance companies to get you what’s rightfully yours.

We’re good at what we do. We get results. And our clients will tell you that.

Want a free case evaluation?

Call (901) 327-1212 today for a free case evaluation. Or you can contact us online.

Free Auto Accident Reports

We believe you should always be knowledgeable about auto accidents and the legal system. That’s why I created this free report — Car Accident Law 101 — that you can download from my website for free.

I also believe you should be fully prepared for an auto accident, because it could happen to you. So I created my Car Accident Checklist that you can download — again for free — from my website, print and keep in your car. This will serve as your guide on everything you should do — and NOT do — at the scene of a car accident.