Have you or a loved one been involved in a truck accident?
Perhaps the most obvious reason: how do you think a passenger car would fare against a 40-ton 18-wheeler? Imagine a 70,000-pound truck following you down the highway at 70 miles-per-hour. What happens if the driver falls asleep and crashes into the back of your family car? That’s bound to be a very serious accident.
This is the same reason that motorcycle accidents are so dangerous when involved with passenger cars. All motor vehicle accidents have the potential to be catastrophic, but when you’re dealing with a significant difference in size between the vehicles, things get a lot more dangerous. It’s important that you call an experienced truck accident lawyer and never negotiate with an insurance adjuster yourself.
Say a car runs a red light and smashes into the side of your SUV. Who’s liable? Well, in this case, the liability is most likely pretty straightforward, assuming the driver ran the red light on his own accord. The driver broke a traffic law and caused the accident, so the liability is most likely his. The question of liability is not so straightforward in truck accident cases.
Is the truck driver liable, or is it the trucking company? Beyond these two possibilities, there are many more. Most trucks carry cargo, whether shipping containers packed abroad and received domestically, or other goods packed at distribution centers. These complicated situations bring up the possibility of other liable parties, from the container company to the shipping company.
These issues can get complicated quick. Partnered with the potential devastation of truck accidents, truck accident cases should always be handled by an experienced truck accident lawyer. If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident, get in touch with me. My team of truck accident lawyers and I have the experience needed in these complicated cases, and we are here to help you. Call us today; I know you’ll be glad you did.