Xarelto Connected to Major Health Issues
Video Transcript
Hello this is Darrell Castle and I’m an attorney listened to practice law in the state of Tennessee, and on this video I want to talk to you about a very dangerous drug called Xarelto.
Xarelto is an anti-coagulant drug that’s been prescribed to millions of people for atrial fibrillation and other clotting problems.
It’s been associated with uncontrolled bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, brain hemorrhage and even death. All anti-coagulants carry a certain risk of bleeding. But the difference is for Xarelto, there is no known antidote for the bleeding.
In other words, if you’re on Xarelto and you start bleeding, there is no way to stop it. There is no KNOWN way to stop it I should say.
And another thing is that most anti-coagulants — like Warfarin for example — have been used for many many years. Warfarin carries blood monitoring. Blood monitoring has been shown to reduce the risk of bleeding.
But Xarelto doesn’t require blood monitoring. In fact, that’s one of its advertised advantages — no blood monitoring.
So, uncontrolled bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, brain hemorrhage and even death. If you or someone you know has suffered one of those things while you’re on Xarelto, you may be entitled to compensation and it might be substantial. The only way to find out is to have someone investigate your case and I’ll do that for free.
Call me right now for a free appointment or contact me online.