Car Accident Lawyer
Studies show that speeding is the leading cause of traffic fatalities. Unfortunately, this alarming statistic doesn’t deter many people from ignoring the speed limit. Of course, it’s easy to lose track of where your speedometer is. There may be times when you are even aware of the speed limit. If a police officer pulls you over for speeding, or if going too fast causes you to collide with another vehicle or object, the penalties can be severe. If you’re lucky, you may get off with a warning. However, there is the possibility you could get a ticket or even lose your driver license.
How Fast Were You Going?
You almost certainly won’t lose your license for speeding in most cases. If you went more than miles over the posted limit, you’ll like get a ticket ranging anywhere from $70 to $400. You’ll keep your license unless your speed was significantly over what the law allowed. Whether you face suspension depends largely on the laws of the area in which you are living.
Where Were You Driving?
The area in which you were behind the wheel plays a factor in what types of punishments you’ll face. For example, speeding through a school zone could result in license suspension and a court appearance. You will also have to pay a considerable fine. Speeding through a neighborhood where the limit was 25 is worse in most cases than speeding on an interstate, depending on how fast you were traveling.
What’s Your Record?
If you’ve gotten multiple tickets in a short period of time, there’s a high probability that you won’t be able to retain your license. One or two speeding tickets won’t likely put you at risk of being without driving privileges. However, if you have a history of speeding violations, a judge may require license suspension for a time.
How Old Are You?
Teenage drivers are at a disadvantage here. The younger you are, the more severe the punishments can be in speeding cases. Someone under the age of 18 with thee tickets in three years, for instance, will probably be forced to lose his or her license.
Occasional speeding may not seem like a grave issue, but don’t get into the habit of breaking this traffic law. You can drive more safely and save yourself a lot of trouble by keeping your speed under control. If you’re in danger of losing your license, make sure you get in touch with an experienced criminal offenses attorney in DC.
Thanks to Frederick J. Brynn, P.C. for their insight into criminal law and speeding tickets.