The Importance of Honesty in Your SSDI Claim

Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can be a long and frustrating process, and it will leave some people wondering, “Can I lie on my disability application?”

Maybe you think an exaggeration here or there might help you get benefits you really do need. But that’s not the way to go.

One of the most important things you can do in the application process is be completely honest throughout your claim. As a Memphis SSDI lawyer, I’m happy to lay out for you why honesty is so imperative in your SSDI claim – and how to present your case the right way.

Can the SSA Tell if I Lie on My Disability Application?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) carefully reviews your medical records, work history, and daily activities to determine if you qualify for benefits. Any exaggerations, inconsistencies, or omissions can lead to delays, denials, or even accusations of fraud.

Here are just a few things to keep in mind about the application review process:

1. The SSA Cross-Checks Information

The SSA doesn’t just rely on your application. They verify your medical records, employment history, and even look at public social media accounts.

If they find inconsistencies – like reporting that you can’t walk long distances but then posting pictures from a hiking trip – it could hurt your claim.

2. Medical Evidence Needs to Match Your Statements

If you tell the SSA your condition prevents you from working, your medical records should reflect that. If a doctor’s notes suggest you can still do certain activities, but you claim otherwise, the SSA will probably question the accuracy of your statements.

Be truthful about your limitations, and make sure your medical providers have an accurate understanding of your symptoms.

3. Exaggerations Can Backfire

It might seem tempting to emphasize your symptoms to increase your chances of approval, but this can work against you.

The SSA denies the majority of claims on first try – they don’t need much of a reason to deny your claim. If they see conflicting information or believe you’re overstating your condition, you probably won’t get approved.

Instead, describe your symptoms and limitations as they truly are—no more, no less.

4. Lying Can Lead to SSDI Fraud Accusations

Even if it’s unintentional, mistakes can raise red flags, leading to unnecessary investigations and delays. And in fact, punishments can get a lot worse than that…

What Happens If You’re Caught Lying?

If the SSA determines you provided false information or misrepresented your disability, the consequences can be severe.

Fraudulent SSDI claims can result in the loss of all current and future benefits, demands for repayment of past benefits, and even criminal charges. In extreme cases, individuals convicted of SSDI fraud can face federal fines and up to five years in prison.

The SSA works closely with fraud investigators, and even small inconsistencies in your claim can trigger a deeper review. So it’s simply not worth the risk – sticking to the truth is always the best approach.

How to Present Your Case Accurately

Be Specific About Your Limitations.

Instead of saying, “I can’t do anything,” explain exactly what activities are difficult or impossible due to your condition.

Keep Detailed Medical Records

Make sure your doctor documents your symptoms and how they impact your daily life.

Get a Doctor’s Statement to Back Up Your Claim

You can always have a doctor provide testimony about your medical condition and how it impacts your ability to earn an income. This can help reinforce what you’ve written in your application.

Follow Your Doctor’s Treatment Plan

Not following medical advice can make the SSA think your condition isn’t as serious as you claim.

Don’t Lie On Your Disability Application

An experienced SSDI lawyer can help you present a truthful, well-documented case that meets SSA requirements.

At our trusted Memphis disability firm, we make sure your paperwork is accurate, help you gather strong medical evidence, and prepare you for questions during hearings.

If you’re worried about how to present your claim properly, we can guide you every step of the way.

Having worked in SSDI law for decades, I understand the complexities of the application and appeals process. My team is dedicated to making sure your claim is honest, strong, and backed by the right evidence so you have the best chance of approval.

Our SSDI Lawyers Can Help Keep You Honest

Sometimes people with a really serious disability are tempted to lie just because they’re scared they won’t get much-needed benefits. The stakes are really high, and they don’t want to fail.

It makes sense, and we understand the pressure and fear you might feel. But we can help you get those critical benefits while being truthful. That’s really the only way to go, and we’ve been very successful at it for many years.

What’s more, we don’t get paid anything unless and until we win your case. Even then, it’s only a fraction of your past due benefits. You keep everything moving forward.

To get started, contact us online today or call us at 901-327-2100. We look forward to talking with you and helping you put together a successful application the right way.

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