How can you remove a bankruptcy from your credit report? Well legally, you can’t, but that’s not how you should be thinking about credit anyway.
Video Transcript
Hello, this is Darrell Castle. I’m an attorney licensed to practice law in the state of Tennessee and on this video today, I’m talking about how you can remove a bankruptcy filing from your credit report.
The answer to that question is – you really can’t. Not legally anyway. There are many people – agencies, companies – that come to you through advertisements and tell you how you can remove a bankruptcy from your credit report, but it can’t legally be done. And it’s not the right way to think about credit anyway.
You need to think about the future. What you’ve done recently on your credit report is far more important than what’s on it from the past. The fact is, the past is done – it’s over with, there’s nothing you can do about, so go forward from here and think about the future.
You can change future credit and future credit performance by doing certain things now – by getting additional credit cards like a Visa, American Express or Mastercard – and using them wisely. You can learn all of that in a course called “7 Steps to 720,” meaning it’s how to raise your credit report to a 720 score or higher. You can go on their website and learn that and that’s a good way to do it and a good place to start.
Just remember – don’t worry about what’s on your credit report now, worry about the future because you cannot legally remove things from your credit report that are on there legally. That is just a scam that people try to sell you.
Think about the future and not the past.