What Is a Compassionate Allowance for SSDI?

If you’re applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you may have heard of Compassionate Allowances for SSDI. The Compassionate Allowances program is designed to help people with severe and easily identifiable disabilities get their benefits faster.

Waiting months or years for SSDI approval can be overwhelming, especially if you’re dealing with a critical condition. So here’s what you need to know about the Compassionate Allowances program and how it can help you or a loved one.

How Does the Compassionate Allowances Program Work?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) created the compassionate allowances program to speed up SSDI applications for people with conditions so severe that they almost always meet the SSA’s criteria for disability.

The program allows the SSA to identify these cases quickly and fast-track them through the approval process.

Examples of conditions that qualify for the Compassionate Allowances program include:

  • Certain advanced cancers, like pancreatic cancer, small-cell lung cancer, or glioblastoma.
  • Rare diseases, including ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Huntington’s disease, or Batten disease.
  • Severe genetic disorders, like Trisomy 13 or 18.
  • Other critical conditions. For example, late-stage kidney disease or certain types of brain disorders.

The SSA regularly updates its list of conditions that qualify for the Compassionate Allowances program. Currently, there are over 200 conditions on the list, and they add new conditions as medical understanding evolves.

Benefits of the Compassionate Allowances Program

If you show your condition qualifies for a Compassionate Allowance, your SSDI application will be processed more quickly.

This expedited process ensures that people with severe, life-threatening conditions get the financial support they need as quickly as possible. So in some cases, this means you could be approved for benefits in weeks instead of months or years.

It’s important to note that while the Compassionate Allowances program speeds up the approval process, it doesn’t change SSDI eligibility requirements. You’ll still need to provide medical evidence and meet the work credit criteria to qualify for benefits.

How to Apply for SSDI with a Compassionate Allowance Condition

The good news is that you don’t need to submit a special application for the Compassionate Allowances program. When you apply for SSDI, the SSA will automatically determine whether your condition qualifies based on your medical records and the information you provide. You can help with this process through your application:

1. Provide clear medical documentation

Include detailed records that confirm your diagnosis and its severity.

2. Work with your doctors

Ask your healthcare providers to submit reports that align with the SSA’s criteria for Compassionate Allowances conditions.

3. Submit a complete application

Make sure you include all the required information to avoid delays.

Challenges You Might Face

Even with the Compassionate Allowances program, SSDI applications can encounter delays if you submit incomplete documentation or they have questions about eligibility.

It’s also possible your condition may not be on the SSA’s list, even if the effects are equally severe to the conditions on the list.

In these situations, navigating the process can feel especially overwhelming.

How an SSDI Lawyer Can Help

An experienced SSDI lawyer can make sure your application is accurate, complete, and supported by the necessary medical evidence.

Through my decades representing people who need SSDI here in Memphis, I’ve helped countless clients get their benefits through the Compassionate Allowances program and through the regular process. If you qualify, we can help you put together a successful application or appeal.

We understand how urgent these cases are, and we’re committed to getting you the support you need as quickly as possible.

Here’s how we can help:

  • Gathering medical records: We’ll work with your doctors to make sure they thoroughly document your condition and show, if possible, how it meets the SSA’s criteria for Compassionate Allowances.
  • Avoiding errors: We’ll help you prepare a strong application that minimizes delays.
  • Handling appeals: If your claim is denied, we’ll guide you through the appeals process, represent you at your hearing, and fight for your benefits.

And we do all of this at no upfront charge to you, because we don’t make anything unless or until we win your case. Even then, it’s only a small fraction of your past due benefits. You keep every dollar moving forward.

If you or a loved one has a severe condition and needs assistance with an SSDI claim, contact us today for a free consultation. Let us guide you through the process and make sure you get the benefits you deserve.