When SSA Mistakes Cost You Disability Benefits
If you’re denied SSDI because of SSA mistakes, you may feel incredibly powerless and frustrated. Their small errors can make all the difference in your case.
When the stakes are that high, you need to plan for the worst and get a lawyer who can help.
Here’s what happens, how it impacts people, and what our Memphis SSDI attorneys can do to help.
How SSA Mistakes Can Impact Your Application
The SSA oversees disability claims, and like any organization, the people within it can make simple mistakes.
However, errors in SSDI can have lifelong impact on the people who need it most. All over the country, applicants claim basic errors have cost them everything.
The SSA responds by saying they’re understaffed and doing their best. And indeed, they lost a lot of workers over the last few years (about 7% of their workforce, or 4000 people). This leads to more mistakes and longer wait times.
But those reasons don’t really matter when you’re waiting for benefits you need from a program you’ve paid into your entire working life.
One Case Example from Our Firm
There are so many examples of errors with SSDI applications that we could give, but consider just one: a client of ours who filled out the application himself.
The SSA received his forms and made a decision last July, but they never sent him the notice to say whether or not he was approved. In fact, they never sent anyone a notice of any kind related to his case.
Then, months later, he received a letter saying he owes them money because he’s been paid for months when he shouldn’t have been. Only they hadn’t paid him a thing. It appears the SSA didn’t know on their own end whether or not they’d approved him.
They acknowledged they made a mistake and had lost track of whether the original decision was favorable or unfavorable. But by then it was too late for him to appeal the original decision.
So now we have to fight for him to get the benefits he needs. And in the meantime, he’s had to wait so long for something he needed so badly.
Time Is of the Essence with SSDI
If the SSA makes mistakes, it can be incredibly difficult – if not impossible – to prove your case on your own. What’s worse, you only have 60 days to appeal the denial, so you have to work quickly.
So if you’re denied disability, you need an attorney.
Remember, you don’t necessarily know or understand why you got denied in the first place. You don’t know what mistakes the SSA may have made. And you don’t necessarily know how to prove those were mistakes at all.
Instead, by working with a quality SSDI lawyer, you have a fighting chance.
How Our Attorneys Can Help When You’re Denied SSDI Because of SSA Mistakes
With the long waits and possibility of life-altering mistakes, the disability system needs a lot of work. But we can help you navigate it.
Our Memphis SSDI lawyers have helped many people who were denied SSDI because of SSA mistakes, including the client I mentioned above. We can help you, too.
What’s more, we only get paid when you do, and even then it’s only a fraction of your past-due benefits. You keep everything moving forward.
To get started, give us a call at 901-327-2100 or use the form below to reach us. We look forward to speaking with you.